On Thursday July 29 the Adelaide Football Club is holding its first Business Breakfast of the season.

Westpac will proudly support the event and in conjunction with their support, the event will be held on the 19th Floor of the Westpac Centre starting at 7.30am.

The guest speaker will be the CEO of Zoos SA, Dr Chris West, along with the Crows dynamic duo of Kurt Tippett and Taylor Walker.

This event provides a great way to network with key clients of the AFC while enjoying a delicious breakfast and listening to intriguing speakers, all in the confines of our first class amenities at our new training and entertainment facility, the Westpac Centre.

Cost is only $80 per person click here to download the booking form. Please call Mary Billows for any enquiries on 8440 6637 or email mbillows@afc.com.au.

Click here to download a booking form