My dear members, supporters and sponsors,

Tonight I complete my term as President of Hawthorn Football Club.

May I take this opportunity to thank the members of the Board who in 2005 invited me to join them with the view of assuming the Presidency at the end of that year.

I also thank the members who have twice seen it fit to support my Presidency.

I thank the members of the Board with whom I have served for their contribution and sole focus of advancing the opportunities of our Club in a disciplined and united way.

To our staff, who have given members the enthusiasm and opportunities we have enjoyed over the last six years, my sincere thanks. Without a professional staff, a Club does not have the base from which to launch an assault on the goal we all seek: premierships.

To the Football department, coaches and players - it has been a pleasure working with you, and observing so many adolescents develop into wonderful young men.

To our volunteers (of which there are many), your unstinting devotion to the cause is extraordinary and very much appreciated, and believe you me, never taken for granted.

To our members, particularly those interstate, who year after year pay their subscriptions to financially assist the Club to see too few games - you epitomise the Hawthorn spirit - and we are indebted to you all.

In particular, to our growing army of supporters in Tasmania, and the thousands of mainland members who travel to Tassie to attend our games, you make our relationship with the community of Tasmania one of the most remarkable and rewarding sponsorships in existence.

A $58m return to Tasmania for their $3m investment is a marketer’s dream.

We value our relationship with Tasmania, not just for the sponsorship, but because of the deepening relationship we have with the community of Tasmania.

To my colleague Bruce Growcott, who stands down tonight from the Board after 12 years of service to the Club, my sincere thanks. Bruce has had the finance portfolio over the last six years and has been instrumental in growing the Club’s asset base to where it is today and for future generations of Hawthorn members to come.

We are all just threads of cotton that make up the wonderful cloth that is the brown and gold of Hawthorn Football Club.

The Club is endless, the contribution of any person is but for a moment of time.

The Club will always be bigger than any individual, and will exist beyond the life of all individuals.

All any of us can do, regardless of our role within the Club, is to endeavour to leave it in a better place than when we arrived. For as you have heard me say oh-so many times - it is not where you start, but where you finish that is important in life.

In handing the Presidency over to Andrew Newbold, I have confidence that he and the team he inherits will take the Club to new heights.

My only regret is that I did not deliver the second premiership I promised you all.

Our business plan five2fifty has one year to run, so hopefully my goal will be secured next year under Andrew’s watch. Nothing less than a Grand Final win will be satisfactory!

To each and every one of you, thank you. It has been my pleasure and a considerable honour to have served you and our great Club.

Six years ago when I started my Presidency I did not have any grandchildren; today I have six.

I look forward to taking them to the football and seeing many of you there.

Stay well, I will miss you all, but will remain Always Hawthorn.

Go Hawks!

Jeff Kennett

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