Do your bit on World Environment Day.

With World Environment Day on Tuesday 5 June, it’s time to take action in an effort to reduce our environmental impact and make a difference.

Here’s some simple tips to help you reduce your greenhouse gas emissions, save money on your energy bills and help create a cleaner, greener future.

1.   Go Green for Footy with Origin

Switch your home to green energy from Origin and you’ll save greenhouse emissions equivalent on average to taking two cars off the road or planting 33 trees per year.

Plus receive a FREE Green for Footy pack including six energy efficient light globes, a low-flow shower head, a mini green Sherrin® football, drink bottle and a green backpack valued at over $110.

Best of all Origin will contribute $25.00 (plus GST) to your favourite participating club to help them become carbon neutral.

Call Origin today on 13 GREEN or visit

2.   Cycle, walk or take public transport

Each kilometre of car travel avoided saves up to half a kilogram of greenhouse gas and 20 cents in operating costs.

3.   Switch off your appliances when they’re not in use

Turning appliances off at the wall could reduce your home’s greenhouse gas emissions by up to 700 kilograms a year.

4.   Replace standard light globes with energy efficient globes

Energy efficient globes cut greenhouse gas emissions and running costs by 75% but produce just as much light.

5.   Have a carbon neutral World Environment Day

Offset the emissions you create when you use gas and electricity and drive your car today and reduce your carbon footprint for the day. Visit

6.   Take shorter showers

Keep showers under four minutes rather than the eight minute average.  You’ll save up to half a kilogram of greenhouse gas emissions for every minute.*

7.   Wash clothes in cold water

Heating water for a hot wash generates up to four kilograms of greenhouse gas emissions every wash.*

8.   Install a Solar Hot Water System

Hot water heating accounts for 16% of your household greenhouse gas emissions – the second largest source of emissions after transport.  Origin offers affordable solar hot water systems that can save you up to 60% off your annual hot water heating costs and produce less greenhouse gas emissions than electric or gas alternatives.*

9.   Switch off your computer

Computer screens generate greenhouse gas emissions, so ensure you turn off your computer when leaving the office each day.

10. Offset your next holiday

Plane travel is a major generator of greenhouse gas emissions.  Calculate your environmental impact and buy carbon offsets to neutralise your next holiday at

So help Origin and the Kangaroos kick a winning goal for the environment.

Together we can make a difference.