Jack Malcomson is still feeling on top of the world after receiving Life Membership of his beloved Richmond Football Club at the Tigers' Annual General Meeting late last month.

It was a huge night for Jack, with his family and friends there at the Grand Hyatt Hotel to see him awarded due recognition for writing the best theme song in AFL football.

Jack wrote "We're From Tigerland" 40 years ago, at the request of then Richmond committeeman, Alf Barnett, who was frustrated and embarrassed with the Tigers' lack of a decent song to call their own.

At the time, Jack was a regular entertainer at Punt Rd "smoke nights, pleasant Sunday mornings" and other Club functions, so the Tigers thought he was just the man to come up with a song that would strike a cord with the yellow and black faithful.
How right they were!

Jack started working on the song during a trip to Tasmania and found the bouncy tune of Row, Row, Row (not to be confused with Row, Row, Row Your Boat) fitted perfectly.

Next, came the lyrics, which came together quite smoothly, except for at the end of the song, where Jack felt something was missing.
But then, in a masterstroke of creativity, Jack came up with the three little words that transformed the song into the smash hit it is today -- "Yellow And Black!"

He first performed the song at the Club, in front of the players, before they ran out onto the ground for a game against Melbourne. Not only did the Tigers' coach of the time, Des Rowe, give his blessing for Jack to sing the new theme song pre-match, he helped him hold up a big sheet of paper with the words written on it.

Four decades on, "We're From Tigerland" has no peer as a club theme song in AFL football. It is an icon of the Club, revered by the fans, and is sung with great gusto after each Richmond win.
Jack couldn't be happier about that, or his recent elevation to Life Membership status at Tigerland.

"It's absolutely terrific and, no doubt, one of the greatest thrills of my life," said the 79-year-old.

"I met quite a few of the present-day players on the night and had my photo taken with Clinton Casey, the Club's President, so it was all very exciting.

"I must say it was a great surprise to be recognised by the Club like this and a huge honor, which means a lot to me, and my family."

As happy as Jack is right now with his Richmond Life Membership Award, there are a couple of little things which would make him even happier if they could be changed -- and they involve the use of the wrong lyrics in the singing of "We're From Tigerland".

Straight from the horse's mouth, I can assure all Richmond players, coaches, trainers, officials and fans that the words are "risking head and SHIN", not "head and skin", as seems to have become the fashion in recent years. Also, it's "Like the TIGER of Old," not the "Tigers of Old".

"I'd just be delighted if they could get that wording right," Jack said.

Reckon we owe him as much, don't you . . ?