The Peter Mac Cup was introduced in 1993 as the first ‘charity game’ on the AFL calendar, played between Collingwood and Carlton once each year. It is designed to raise funds and awareness for the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, the only specialist cancer hospital in Australia. Over $500,000 has been raised for Peter Mac since 1993.

The Peter MacCallum Cancer Foundation is the philanthropic arm of Peter Mac and supports the centre through staging fundraising events such as the Peter Mac Cup Breakfast, held the Wednesday before the big game.

This year’s breakfast was hosted by Brian Taylor, with a panel including Collingwood’s Mick Malthouse and Nick Maxwell, and Carlton’s Brett Ratten and Stephen Kernahan.

The Peter Mac Cup will be presented in the winning team’s rooms after Saturday's game, together with medals for all winning players.

Supporters are encouraged to donate directly online at the Peter Mac Cancer Foundation website. Donations of $2 or more to Peter Mac will be tax-deductible, with a receipt mailed to you promptly. Click here for further details and to make a donation.

Excerpts from the Q&A session with Brian Taylor, Nick Maxwell and Mick Malthouse??

Brian Taylor: Back in the side Nick, it must be a tough side to get into.??

Nick Maxwell: I was a bit lucky to get in, which is a great thing at the moment.  We have so much depth.  It’s exciting times and keeps the pressure on everyone.??

There are still a few boys who have yet to play senior football but have really impressed me this season.  Josh Thomas, Ben Sinclair and Luke Rounds are all pushing for selection this year.

I was speaking with Shane O’Bree yesterday and he said he has done so much work with the young guys over the preseason that a few of them have gone past him.  So he isn’t sure if he has done the right thing!

??BT: What about Ben Reid? Mick had him up as a forward two years ago before Bucks came in and turned him into a defender (laughter).  How is he traveling? 

It’s quite common for players to switch those roles as forwards and backs.  To be honest, I didn’t know I would be playing as a backman.??

To the credit of Max Hudghton and Scott Watters, Reid has done a lot over the preseason and has improved enormously.  Along with Nathan Brown, the two of them will be an important part of the backline in years to come.  ??

BT: There are no such things as long stops these days, aren’t they referred to as blades? ??

NM: All I know is if I slip over down back, Mick will go berserk.  Fortunately we don’t have to play at Etihad for the next six months so we have nothing to worry about (laughter).

??BT: It’s fast coming to an end for you Mick, because you have a contract that expires at the end of 2011.  What are you going to do???

MM:  Well I am going to do what the contract says Brian.  I am going to hand the baton over and then take on the responsibility of Director of Coaching.  ??

BT:  But seriously.??

MM: I am being serious, Brian.  It’s the role Brian.