Voss on Sunday’s loss to Adelaide

“The scoreboard in the end says that we didn’t take advantage of the fact they were two players down on the bench. We probably didn’t utilise that advantage as much as we could have. But that would be taking away from the fact that Adelaide ran hard.”

“I thought Adelaide’s end-to-end ball movement was quite neat. They were able to find midfield space and create overlapping run.”

“We’ve had games when we’ve finished off strongly despite being two down on the interchange bench. You probably feel the consequences more the following week than during the game itself. I don’t know how Adelaide will pull up, but I imagine being two down early will be a strain on their boys next week.”

“As far as we’re concerned, we just couldn’t finish them off. We were aware they were two players down, but we just couldn’t lift our intensity at the right time.”

“There are obviously a few things we still need to tidy up, but we’ve seen some pretty good improvements over the past 2-3 weeks in our play and our game style. We’ve got to do a lot of work on our efficiency and get back to being able to think our way through situations.”

“Our competitive effort has quite soundly returned and we want to keep seeing that over the last couple of weeks. The rest we have to work on.”

“I thought we were a little bit fumbly at times and our finishing wasn’t that flash. That probably made us look a bit untidy at times.”

Voss on the team’s poor kicking for goal

”It was a bit of a lost opportunity. The word efficiency comes to mind. We just weren’t able to finish off our work.”

“I thought there were a lot of good signs. But when you’ve got a fair ascendency on the game, you need to be able to put your foot down and finish the work. We weren’t able to do that.”

“They kicked a couple of goals late in the second quarter which hurt us a fair bit.”

“If you look across the statistics, we were quite sound in all of those. But it proves that the only place you can win a match is on the scoreboard.”

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