Richmond's slow start to the 2010 season has not deterred its loyal legion of fans from joining the Club as members.

Richmond reached its 2010 membership target of 42,000 by
the AFL’s June 30 membership deadline.

At that time Tigers had a total of 42,007 members - 35,960 match day members and 6,047 non match day members.

The AFL only includes matchday access members in its final tally.

“We achieved an important 2010 strategic milestone in signing up our 42,000th member,” said Richmond’s CEO Brendon Gale.

“This is a significant achievement, which is a reflection of the loyalty and commitment of our members.

“On behalf of the Club, I would like to acknowledge the magnificent support of all those who have committed to the Tiger cause, as members, in 2010.

“Members are the lifeblood of Tigerland, and we are delighted that so many have put their trust in the direction we are taking as a Club.

“We are confident we have the right people, in the right places at the Club, to ensure that, in time, we adequately repay our members’ faith.

“While we are under no illusions about the challenges ahead of us, this is an exciting journey that we’re on.  Ultimately, however, we can only achieve sustained success with the strong backing of our members.”