What’s your nickname?

Westy or Hoff.I’m not a big fan of “Hoff” because I think the boys are probably paying meout, which is never good.

Do you have any pre-game superstitions?

I’d say moreroutine than superstition, but I always put my left boot on before my right.

Most hated training drill?

Just running.There isn’t one particular drill I hate, but I prefer the ones with as leastrunning as possible.

Favourite actor?

Definitely notthe “Hoff” [David Hasslehoff]! The sooner I shake that nickname the better Ithink. I don’t really watch that many movies.

If you could take one skill from any player in thecompetition, what would it be?

WarrenTredrea’s marking ability. It’s something I’ve focused on with Port Adelaideand just playing on “Tredders” I’ve already learned so much.

If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?

I’d give a bitto my family. Probably buy a house, or a few houses actually, on the beach somewhere.

What’s in your locker at the club?

A lot of paperand junk I think. Probably a fair few memos, I really should clean it out oncein a while.

Who would you have on your table at the BrownlowMedal?

I’d like tohave a table full of the guns or past Brownlow winners. Maybe guys like AdamGoodes, Nathan Buckley and other legends of the game; that would be fantastic.

Who was your hero growing up?

Gary Ablett Srfrom Geelong.He was just a freak player and kicked a lot of goals. I think his birthday isactually the same as mine, so that was something I liked growing up. Kicking100 goals for a season is something you just don’t see much any more.

Who is the biggest prankster at the club?

DefinitelyMotts [Daniel Motlop], he’s always having a good time and just does it subtly.

What’s your trademark dish in the kitchen?

Living with mybrother we’re kind of forced to cook, I think. Probably pasta, which it theeasiest thing to do!

Where would we find you on your day off?

Last year Istudied architecture at university but I’ve deferred that this year to focus onfooty, so I’d probably be at the beach or at a mate’s house relaxing. AnywhereI can just do nothing, which is the best way to spend your day off. I don’tmind a hit of golf. I’m not great, but I’m not too bad either.