HAWTHORN chief executive Ian Robson has vowed to keep Alastair Clarkson's premiership winning squad intact as the club seeks further grand final success in the years to come.

"We've made public our commitment to want to keep this group together, whether it be the Hodges or the Mitchells or the Franklins who are the marquee or high-profile names, or the ones underneath that," Robson said from the club's post-grand final celebrations at Glenferrie Oval on Sunday.

"We'll work assiduously and very hard behind the scenes, we don't make public our negotiations - that's not our way of doing things - but we believe we've got the prospect now of keeping this group together for a long time.

"It's a young group and I think they've had a taste of something … that frankly I think they'll want a lot more of."

Robson said that, despite achieving a premiership in the first year of a bold five-year plan put together by his off-field team, he didn't feel the club had exceeded its own internal expectations.

"As our captain Sam Mitchell said at the start of the year; we were never going to put a ceiling on our ambitions. There was a sign at Waverley Park that we kept reflecting on and referring to [which said] 'it's later than you think'," he said.

"Every now and then opportunities present themselves and now then becomes the time irrespective of what anyone else says whether you're ahead of time or behind time, now was the time and yesterday that was our chance and the boys grabbed it to their credit."

Robson felt there had been a slow rise in confidence and belief levels at the club in recent years after they had hit rock bottom during the club's period of financial struggles, but he predicted both players and staff would remain grounded.

"As for swagger, I think you'll see a lot of self-assuredness. For a long time when went through a period of almost apologising for the fact that we survived and we just needed to become a bit more assertive about our right to be in this competition as a stand-alone club," he said.

"It is now a matter of continuing the surge and the growth because we're restless for more. We want to get better and we're committed to our membership, supporter and sponsor base to do exactly that."