What club did you support growing up?
Carlton, because my dad used to and I got a Carlton jumper when I was little so I stuck with them for a few years.

Using one word, how would you describe the life of an AFL footballer?

What is your favourite team to play against and why?
Probably the Adelaide Crows, because I'm from Adelaide and it's always good to go over to Adelaide and play over there.

Is the game becoming too fast?
No, I think that most players are starting to adapt to a different style of game now and I think it's fast, but it's probably only going to get faster in the next few years. I like it the way it is.

What is your favourite football memory?
Winning the under-17 Grand Final in 2002 when I was playing for West Adelaide.

What would you call the new Gold Coast and West Sydney team if you had naming power?
The Gold Coast Geeks and the West Sydney Sausage Sizzlers.

If you could be any other player, who would you be?
Farren Ray, because he looks and runs like an emu.

Who's the most annoying player to room with when you go interstate, and why?

I room with Ryan Griffen, and in the middle of the night he gets up and goes to the toilet and turns all the lights on, so that's pretty annoying.

What's the funniest prank any of your teammates have played on you?

I don't get many pranks played on me so I'm pretty lucky with that kind of stuff. I know Robert Murphy got a prank played on him last night when someone covered his whole car, which is a Mini, in toilet paper. I don't know who did it. It wasn't me. I think he's out for revenge – he's trying to find the culprit and he's already planning attacks.

Who considers himself the most fashionable at the club?

Daniel Giansiracusa, because he's always wearing those woollen garments that look so nice on him, and he's always doing his hair. He likes to talk about his fashion as well, and he's always bagging other people about their clothes.

Who would be the most un-fashionable?

Definitely Will Minson. He wears weird pants like cords and purple polo tops from his high school with Reebok Pumps, and then he has the nerve to tell us that we're unfashionable. He's horrendous. Worst by far. 

Who's got the best singing voice?

Robert Murphy, easily.

What's an amusing fact about one of your teammates that not many people know?

Dale Morris has had the same hairstyle for the past five years.

If you had to pick one of your teammates to take on a date, who would it be?

Ryan Griffen, because he'd be the easiest to get home.

What's the funniest Rocket moment you can think of?

He's got so many. Today he said that our runner, Peter Filandia, could play on one of the players in the AFL, and that was pretty funny.

Who do you live with?

My lovely partner Haylea and our two kids.

Who does the cooking?

Haylea. She does the cooking, the cleaning, the dishes, the housework, she pays the bills. I just live here.

How are you in the kitchen?

I go in there in mornings to get my Up and Go for breakfast. That's about the only time I enter into the kitchen.

If you were having Rodney Eade around for dinner, what would you cook?

I'd ask Haylea to cook chicken with rice, because I like it.

What's your most used appliance and why?

The TV, and the computer gets a big run. We've also got this seat for Jaxon, our little boy, that he loves sitting in and every time he cries, we put him in the seat. That's probably the best appliance we've got at the moment.

Do you have any pets?

We had a cat, and unfortunately he got hit by a car about three weeks ago so he's no longer with us.

What is your most annoying habit?

Haylea would say I don't show any emotion.

Are you generally a cat or dog person?

Cat, but I like dogs as well.

If you were stuck on a desert island, what three things would you want with you?

I would want my family, an elephant to ride on, and a magician to entertain us.

What's your ideal holiday spot?

Bali and Hong Kong.

What's your idea of a perfect day?

Sleeping in, going out for breakfast with the family, having pancakes and a banana smoothie, then take the kids to the park and have a little play. Then in the afternoon drop the kids at nana's house, and go to a movie with Haylea; have some dinner and catch up with all of my friends and have a few drinks and party the night away. That would be perfect.

What action hero would you most like to be, and why?

I would like to be Dora the Explorer.

What sort of car do you drive?

A Ford Territory.

What's the most embarrassing song on your iPod?

I have a whole Hi-5 CD on there. I'm a huge fan.