Hawthorn Football Club was pleased to unveil the highly anticipated Ultimate Hawks Premiership Team at the Peter Crimmins Medal on Saturday 8 October in front of a crowd of 1,300 plus guests.

The painting features the best 22 Hawthorn premiership players of the last 50 years as well as three emergencies and one coach as voted by the fans in August, 2011.

Ultimate Hawks Premiership Team

Coach: Allan Jeans
Backs: Gary Ayres, Chris Langford, Andy Collins
Half-backs: Peter Knights, Chris Mew, Luke Hodge
Centres: Robert DiPierdomenico, Sam Mitchell, Shane Crawford
Half-forwards: Gary Buckenara, Dermott Brereton, Lance Franklin
Full-forwards: Leigh Matthews (C), Jason Dunstall, Peter Hudson
Followers: Don Scott, Michael Tuck, John Platten
Interchange: Darren Jarman, John Kennedy Junior, Kelvin Moore, Cyril Rioli
Emergencies: Peter Crimmins, Rodney Eade, Graham Arthur

Ultimate Hawks Premiership Team artist Jamie Cooper spoke to HawksTV ahead of the unveiling, sharing numerous stories and folklore from around the Club while mastering his artwork.

"One of the things I'm trying to do with the painting is give a bit more of an insight to the fans as to what these players were about and what they used to get up to."

"I'm trying to show what sort of personality they had, and the things you don't neccessarily see or hear about," hear more from Jamie on HawksTV.

Ultimate Hawks Premiership Team memorabilia is now available to purchase at HawksNest Online.

The Ultimate Hawks Premiership Team painting

The Ultimate Hawks Premiership Team, unveiled at the 2011 Peter Crimmins Medal.

Ultimate Hawks Premiership Team painting player descriptions from Jamie Cooper

Hodge and Ayres, Norm Smith Medallists and tough men's men, sit back and take in the scene. Ayres, true to form in those days had a post-match smoke on the go.

Kennedy Junior sprays the champers and is embraced by Jeans.

Allan Jeans is famously giving someone a stern talking to with the finger pointing and the palm turned up. Apparently he would point when making a "point" but when he really was wanting to drive it home he would turn the palm up in a twisting motion.

This time it is directed at Crawf who stands and says "who? Me? What have I done?" the reason for Jeans' attention is that Crimmo, hiding behind Crawf, has pinched his Police Hat from Jeans’ locker at far left.

Also in the locker are a string of sausages in reference to the coach’s famous analogy of cooking snags and football. Words to the effect of...“Sausages are like football... You can fry em, grill em or curry em, but they are still just sausages. It doesn’t matter how many fancy plays and tactics you have...it is still just football. We have the ball. They have the ball, or you have to go get the ball.”

Mitchell and Rioli join in the fun. Mitchell holding 2008 cup, is next to Crawf because Parkin (in 2005) advised that he shadow Crawf on the track to lift his fitness and preparation. He did this and went to the next level as a player. Squashed cat’s tail under his foot.

Platten was notorious for being a pants man of little discretion. "anything with a breath" as Dermie describes it! There are no women here so Tuck will have to do. At least Tuck has taken his false teeth out for the romantic occasion.

Tuck is wearing his tracksuit top with a can in each pocket. He was famous for his travellers for the drive home from training.

Dipper hugs the beloved cup as Knights pours champers all over him. Note Hocking’s teeth in his elbow from 89 GF. Also the bloody drip from his side in referenc to his heroic effort in the same game playing with a punctured lung.

The three 23s. Big-time players. Players around whom an era was built. But all very different characters.

Buddy...a genius. Light-hearted, spinning the ball on the finger.

Dermie... Tough, ruthless and in your face. Full of confidence and bravado. Here he says...Here I am..."I'm Dermie and you are not".

Don Scott... A true eccentric. Tough, brave, loyal, difficult...here he is sitting back casting a sceptical eye on his other two 23's and the whole scene in general. He stands beside his open locker in which hangs an embroided denim jacket, a cravat and blue leather boots.

Mew... Quiet, laid back, happy to sit back and let the others carry on. Holds  lime green car keys in his hand as he had a "kermit green" falcon which he was quick to get in after training and games to head back to the peninsula.

Kel Moore.. Another laid back character, sits with his keys too as he was keen to get back to frankston. Shows the trademark frowm and worried look.

Matthews and Arthur take a well earned rest. Arthur holds the 1961 cup.

Matthews sits and gives a rare smile. Why is his moustache and mouth covered in blood? Stewie Trott tried to knock him out one day. Broke his nose and loosened a few teeth. As he stood over a dazed Lethal he yelled..."you're not so tough now are you!" Matthews staggered to his feet, cupping his hands in front of his face to catch the flowing blood, looked at Trott, still half conscious...smiled and licked his hands clean. Watch out Stewie!

Dunstall and Huddo embrace in celebration as Darren Jarman puts a beer in both their hands. The excellent delivery to forwards continues off the field. Jarman was Dunstall's favorite player to see coming down the field.

Huddo has his ear partly hanging off in the 1971 GF courtesy of "Cowboy Neale".

Eade the court jester, cheekily places the much hated helmet back on Dunstall's magnificent mullet.

Langford waves his jumper as he did in protest of the proposed merger with Melbourne.

Buckenara famously did his knee in the '83 Grand Final. He had a low threshold to pain and complained as if he had had a near death experience. On the footy trip that year he complained so much about how tough it was going to be to come back from such a devastating injury that he was nick named Ben Hogan. Hogan was a pro golfer who lost his leg and came back and win a major. Also he has the dotted line on his leg where he is considering amputation.

Andy Collins... Tough, feirce and courageous. And serious as all hell. He was said to be an intense character being nicknamed "tablets" as in serious tablets. Here he tips the bottle out as it is time to have a laugh.

Read the 2011 Peter Crimmins Medal wrap