Hi Ash: All I have ever read about this year is Chris Judd. Have you ever met him and what is he like? – Sarah from Caulfield, Vic

Ash: I’ve met Juddy a few times when we’ve been staying at our team hotel in Melbourne. West Coast use the same place and there was occasionally a weekend where both teams would be there at the same time. I bumped into him in the foyer a few times and he was always very laid back and seemed to take everything in his stride. He was a very mature bloke for his age too.

Hey Ash. Brendon Fevola plays like a wild sort of a dude. Has he ever said or done anything to you out on the ground? – Smithy from Victoria Point, Qld
Ash: No mate, he’s always down at the other end of the ground from me so I haven’t had anything to do with him. He’s the sort of bloke that on a good day certainly can play very well.

Hi Ash. Would you like to be matched up against Richard Hadley this weekend if you both play? – Shane from Wishart, Qld

Ash: I don’t know about that one. Him and me obviously go back a long way - I’m sure I’ll come across ‘Hads’ on the field somewhere during the game. I’ll remind him of a few stories from back here when I do. I might try and get into his head a bit!

Hi Ash. Do you ever get sick of all the traveling that our team has to do? – Nancy from Warrnambool, Vic

Ash: No, not really. I find it good to get out of home and go somewhere different from time to time. The really good thing is that all our travel racks up the frequent flyer points, so if you want to go for a trip somewhere at the end of the year, you just chuck the trip on them.

G’day Ash. I read in the Gold Coast Bulletin a few weeks ago where Cameron Wood got dressed up as Boy George for one of your club functions. Who did you go as? – Peta from Burleigh, Qld

Ash: Yes I do remember that from a few years ago. Big Woody looked quite a sight, as you can I imagine. I went as a koala, and a few of the boys kicked on afterwards dressed as they were. I remember climbing a tree at one point – that really spun a few people out. I might even have a photo of that somewhere.