Bulldog new recruit Easton Wood has achieved an ENTER score of 97.75 in his VCE and plans to combine physiotherapy studies with first year AFL footy.

Easton, a former Geelong Grammar student, received his results yesterday and was both surprised and delighted to get such a high score.

"I was hoping for 96 because I needed 95.5 to get into a physiotherapy course at University so this is great," he said this morning while sitting on a bus on his way to Wilson's Prom with his teammates.

When asked if combining professional football with university studies was going to be a problem, the astute youngster was already on the ball.

"Brad Gotch our Development Manager will ensure that I don't do too much. He will guide me on what I can and can't do so I don't overload myself."

Despite receiving some light humoured ribbing from his teammates for being a bit of a nerd and also receiving jokes about being too smart to be a footballer, Easton was proud of his achievements.

"You have to have a certain type of smarts on the football field to deal with everything that comes your way. I was lucky in a way that I got injured during last season so had some time on the sidelines and could spend the time working on my studies," he said.

Despite undergoing a shoulder operation earlier this month, Easton joined his teammates today as they began their four day camp in Wilson's Prom National Park. The camp signals the end of 2007's training schedule for the playing group before they break for two week's over the festive season.