Well what a week for us Coaches!

I must say I am one of the 25,000 plus coaches who selected defender Brian Lake in my team and after his performance last week the only disappointing thing is that I didn’t have him as captain!

If you are yet to hear, Lake secured the highest Dream Team score ever with 192 points, narrowly surpassing the former 189 point record held by Richmond great, Matthew Richardson.

Lake was a stand out in the victory over North with a huge 22 marks, 35 kicks and 6 handballs and he now jumps to the lead as the Bulldog player with the most points for Season 2010 (903). Closely followed by Daniel Cross with 900 points in second place and Adam Cooney in third on 895.

Overall, our boys are the second highest scoring team in the competition. If ever there was a reason to invest in one of your own, then that's it.

The Dream Team Manager still holds first place in our Sons of the West competition and the margin between first and second doesn’t look like slipping anytime soon.

As for the progress of us Bulldog insiders, some are making a slow comeback with two staff now finding their way into the top ten, Skittle Bomb Dogs maintaining their hot streak and holding strong in fifth and Scorpio moving into to sixth place with an impressive last round score of 2,217.

Congratulations to Bab’s Bulldogs who this week recorded the highest round score in the Sons of the West League with 2,285 points. Keep a look out for your Aquila sock and polish set in the mail.

Don’t forget to visit westernbulldogs.com.au for the team list on Thursday at 5pm to help you select your line up for this week.