My all-time favourite movie is …

...the Shawshank Redemption, that's probably the one that sticks out in my mind.

Some people say I look like …

...Adam Sandler. I've had that one a couple of times.

My favourite game of VFL/AFL from my childhood was …

...the Collingwood-Essendon Grand Final in 1990. I used to be a diehard Collingwood fan and that was obviously a momentous day in all Collingwood supporters' lives. I was back in Deni (Deniliquin) and I watched it on the TV with the old man.

At the moment I’m enjoying listening to…

...the Foo Fighters. I'm right into the Foo Fighters. They're probably my favourite band at the moment. Apart from that, maybe Audioslave, a few bands like that.

I know Roosy isn’t happy when he …

…hmmm. Yeah, you can sort of determine Roosy, or read him just by his body action. The way he comes in nice and calmly and addresses the group … he's pretty easy to pick.

On my days off, I enjoy nothing better than …

...spending time with the kids. It's a pretty busy time now with footy, but as much time as you do get off you try to spend with the family and the kids. I've got two little boys. They're three and one-and-a-half, so they keep me nice and busy.

When I retire, I hope to …

...that's a big question. I've done a bit of study. I did an undergraduate course in sports science, but I'm not interested in doing anything along those lines. Hopefully over the next couple of years I'll get a bit of a better idea. I've nearly finished my MBA, so I'm plodding along and I'm just about to start doing some stockbroking with Citigroup, one of our sponsors. So I'll see whether I enjoy the finance side of it.

My fondest State of Origin memory is …

...the old memory of NSW beating Victoria is one that sticks out in most Blues' supporters minds. Big John Longmire, who's one of our coaches now, was sitting up forward. That was a momentous day for State of Origin footy for NSW. It'd be good to have it back one day, but time will tell.

The person most responsible for helping me reach where I am today is …

...definitely my parents. The coaches you have along the line definitely have an influence over you as well, from Rodney Eade to Roosy. I think Roosy's probably had as much influence on me as any of the other coaches I've had. He's really instilled a lot of confidence in me and taught me to be the best you can.

If I could be anything in the world …

...I’d be a farmer – although you wouldn't want to be that at the moment. My dad's doing it pretty tough back there. There's nothing [else] that really comes to mind. Growing up back in Deni all I sort of wanted to do was to play footy, so I haven't really given it much thought. It's all fallen into place.