AFL CHIEF executive Andrew Demetriou has left the door open to play football on Good Friday despite reiterating his personal opposition to the idea.

Demetriou was speaking in response to news that Carlton and Hawthorn had lobbied the league to play a match on Good Friday.

The AFL has never held a match on the day.

“I read the article this morning and it is true that Carlton and Hawthorn came to see me, but they are only two of several clubs that have been to see me and other members of the AFL about Good Friday football,” Demetriou said.

“We’ve said the same thing to them that the commission looked at this a couple of years ago and said no but if they want to put up a submission they are entitled to go away and put up a submission.”

Demetriou said he would be open to the idea if there was a fresh case presented.

“We don’t tell clubs to go away and don’t waste your time. We’ve said if you want to put something up and you’ve got some different spin to it or some different angle, put it up and it will be dealt with properly.”

The AFL boss said he personally would like to keep the day football-free.

“Everyone knows my view on Good Friday football, I happen to enjoy that Friday off. I respect the fact that other people want to see football on Good Friday. Certainly, my view hasn’t changed.”