What club did you support growing up?
The Western Bulldogs, because my dad played here for a couple of games. So it worked out well I ended up here.

Using one word, how would you describe the life of an AFL footballer?

What is your favourite team to play against and why?
West Coast, because I get to go home and play in front of my family.

Is the game becoming too fast?
No, I think it's more exciting that way. It suits me because I'm obviously pretty skinny, but it also suits our game style a fair bit, so I enjoy it.

What is your favourite football memory?
Playing finals football are the best memories I've got so far, and hopefully we'll have more to come this year.

What would you call the new Gold Coast and West Sydney team if you had naming power?
I've got no idea. The Sharks for the Gold Coast? West Sydney … no idea.

If you could be any other player, who would you be?
I like Ryan Griffen. He's my favourite player, so I'll say him. I like his little goose steps, he's got that step that seems to be able to evade anyone and I like to watch him play.

Who's the most annoying player to room with when you go interstate, and why?
Dale Morris. He snores really loudly and I'll never room with him again. He also sleeps nude and you don't want that.

What's the funniest prank any of your teammates have played on you?
Mitch Hahn has played quite a few on me but they haven't been funny. When Steve Kretiuk was playing at the club, we had a bit of a rivalry going for awhile. Once he put some seafood in the radiator of my car, so I got a nice smell coming through on my way home from training one afternoon. He got me pretty well there.

Who considers himself the most fashionable at the club?
Daniel Giansiracusa. He's quite the style master.

Who would be the most unfashionable?
That would probably be Aker. He's just got a different dress style – maybe it's because he's from Queensland?

Who's got the best singing voice?
I've got the Sing Star game at home for my PlayStation, and I've had Scotty West around a few times to play it, and then he ended up taking my machine and he hasn't returned it. He's got quite a good singing voice, though. Maybe he'll go on It Takes Two next year.

What's an amusing fact about one of your teammates that not many people know?
There was once incident with Aker when he was walking in his sleep, and Dale Morris was rooming with him at the time. Dale woke up to Aker on top of him, trying to kiss him. Dale got quite a shock and they were both pretty awkward at breakfast the next day, so I don't know if things went any further.

If you had to pick one of your teammates to take on a date, who would it be?
Who would be cheap? I wouldn't take Will Minson because he eats too much. Maybe I'd take Mitch Hahn because we live next door to each other so he'd be nice and handy. He can drive and I'll pay for dinner.

What's the funniest Rocket moment you can think of?
He's given a few sprays at half time when he's got a lolly in his mouth, and the lolly has gone flying and hit someone in the face. That's always pretty funny – you've got to try not to laugh, but we do later on.

Who do you live with?
My girlfriend, in Maidstone.

Who does the cooking?
She definitely does the cooking. I would get in trouble if I said I did the cooking.

How are you in the kitchen?
Terrible. I don't cook much at all – spaghetti bolognaise is probably about it for me, and maybe the odd steak. Apart from that, I very rarely get into the kitchen. She cooks and I do the dishes, and we've got a dishwasher so that makes it nice.

If you were having Rodney Eade around for dinner, what would you cook?
I'd have to get my girlfriend to cook otherwise I might give him food poisoning. Probably a steak, if I was cooking, because it's the only thing I can cook that's safe.

Who does the housework at your place?
It's split 50-50 between my girlfriend and I. No, I'm lying. We've got a cleaner. It wouldn't be fair to make my girlfriend cook and clean. It was my duty to clean, so I thought I'd get someone in to clean for us and do it properly.

What's your most used appliance and why?
My milkshake maker. I love thickshakes and have them all the time. It's nice and easy to work, and I only have to push one button.

Do you have any pets?
We have two dogs – Sasha and Leo. Sasha is a little pug and is my girlfriend's dog, and I have a German Shepherd. It's funny watching them run around together.

What is your most annoying habit?
I don't have one. Nah, probably my laziness around the house, hence the cleaner.

Are you generally a cat or dog person?
Definitely dog. I'm not a big cat fan.

If you were stuck on a desert island, what three things would you want with you?
Water, a boat to go home in, and my girlfriend.

What's your ideal holiday spot?
Las Vegas. I've been there a few times on footy trips and we've had a great time. It's a party town, so I enjoy it. And I like to get back to Perth and enjoy my breaks there with my family.

What's your idea of a perfect day?
Getting up not too early, going for a surf, and then hitting the pub with some mates.

What action hero would you most like to be, and why?
Superman, because he's got x-ray vision and he can fly.

What sort of car do you drive?
Kia Sorrento 4WD.

What's the most embarrassing song on your iPod?
Something by Elton John, which is pretty embarrassing, but it's my girlfriend's favourite song so I have to have it.