The health legacy left by dedicated teachers may be greater than you think. An international research project has highlighted just how important physical activity is during the school years.

As unlikely as it may sound, the study looked for a link between leisure time physical activity by adult industrial workers and the amount of sporting activity the adults performed during their school years.

The researchers found that participation rates in school age sports predicted leisure time physical activity levels as adults. In other words, active kids are likely to grow into active adults - and the more sports our children enjoy, the healthier they are likely to be throughout their lives.

With obesity levels rising in Australian adults and children, the importance of establishing healthy habits that last a lifetime, is greater than ever!

- Tim Pegler is the editor of


Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2006. Australia's health 2006. AIHW cat. No. AUS 73. AIHW, Canberra
Kraut A, Melamed S, Gofer D, Froom P; CORDIS Study (2003) Effect of school age sports on leisure time physical activity in adults: The CORDIS Study. Medicine & Science In Sports & Exercise 35: 2038-2042.

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