In the second of's From the Outer 2008 Forecasts, Hawk hearted Adam Richards has let the lid off with his hopes for the Hawks in 2008.

Do I dare to dream the premiership dream? Or do i keep the lid on it so I wont feel disappointed if the boys don’t perform the way they did in 2007?

If someone had said to me after the 1991 premiership that we would not make another grand final for at least 17 years I would have had them committed to an insane asylum. Keeping a lid on it for now seems the safest bet especially after losing three of our greats in Dicko, Smithy and captain courageous Vanders. Only a true Hawk fan will know how valuable and under rated Ritchie Vandenberg was as a leader. However the thought of replacing these guys with the likes of Ellis, Muston, Dowler, Rioli,Tuck, Moss, Thorp and big Max Bailey has me salivating at the mouth. Throw in the return of Williams and Clarke and the booming left foot of Stuey Dew and i start feeling like a kid on Christmas morning waiting to unwrap his presents. Like a kid who hasn't celebrated Christmas since 1991.
I am trying to keep a lid on it - trying to keep a lid on our midfield which oozes talent and has a great mixture of strength and pace. Mitchell, Hodge, Lewis, Crawford, Sewell, Bateman, Young and the accuracy of Rick Ladson hitting a forward lace out.
 Trying to keep a lid on a developing backline that is starting to show a steely resolve not unlike that of the 80's. Croad was rarely beaten last year along with Birchall, Guerra and the ever-improving Gilham. As for Campbell Brown - what can i say? I am in awe of him. He epitomises the word 'tough'. The way in which he puts his body on the line for our great club every week never ceases to amaze me. He is a freak and his all Australian selection was well deserved.
Trying to keep a lid on a forward line that all clubs would die to have on their list. Roughie crashing the packs, Boyle taking grabs, Willo back doing what he does best - kicking bags of goals, and a young fellow named Lance – a.k.a 'Buddy'. With Buddy I can’t help but get carried away. He is an excitement machine. Every time he goes near the ball we gasp in anticipation. My wife says I have a man crush on him and it’s hard to argue.
Sounds to me like the lids off folks. I dont care, keeping a lid on it is boring. Every time I think back to the final siren of our Adelaide final victory I feel a rush of adrenaline and I want more - more of that feeling we ALL had that afternoon, hugging complete strangers, singing our song over and over till our throats hurt. It was a very tribal feeling amongst hawk fans that I will never forget. Lets buy our memberships and all dare to dream together - all for one and one for all...
Adam Richards - From the Outer


The views in this article are those of the author and not necessarily the views of the Hawthorn Football Club.

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