Watch Kevin Sheedy's video introduction here

To ensure that the entire football community has the opportunity to celebrate 150 years of Australian Football, Community Football Weekend has been scheduled for May 10-11, 2008. On this weekend, no AFL home and away matches have been scheduled, providing the opportunity for Australians to get back to their original or local community football club and celebrate this historic year.

The AFL and state football bodies would like all football enthusiasts around the country to visit their original community club on this weekend. Community football is the heart and soul of our game – in 2007 more than 600,000 people played Australian Football and many more coached, umpired, o?ciated, volunteered and supported our game at all levels.

This weekend is not just for players - it’s an opportunity to celebrate the game with all the people who support your community club. This includes your o?cials and volunteers, it may be the mum that has made the post-match sandwiches for the past 20 years, grandpa who still brings out the oranges at quarter and three-quarter time, or the young children that watch dad or mum play each week. It’s a weekend where everyone from your community club can get together and celebrate Australian Football 150 Years.

By encouraging the entire football community to get together, it is anticipated that, collectively, we will set an attendance record with thousands of matches across the country on this weekend. This can only be achieved with your club’s support. The space has been created for a national celebration of our game, you are now encouraged to take the lead and celebrate this historic moment as Australian Football turns 150.

I look forward to your involvement in Community Football Weekend.

Kevin Sheedy

Australian Football 150 Years Ambassador