The St Kilda Football Club officially launched the 2012 'Draw a Line in the Sand' Membership Commercial on Monday 12 December at St Kilda Sea Baths.
The 45 second television commercial which features more than 2000 loyal Saints fans and four beautiful Bayside beaches, asks Saints fans to 'Draw a Line in the Sand' and be a Member.

Much of the vision used in the commercial was shot from a helicopter and Eric Bana, the Saints Number 1 ticket holder, generously provided the voice-over for the commercial.

St Kilda Football Club CEO, Michael Nettlefold, said the Launch was an opportunity to say thank you to the thousands of Saints fans that turned out to Frankston, Brighton and St Kilda beaches in the very early hours of the morning (Tuesday, 8 November).
The St Kilda Football Club would also like to thank Spike Creative for their work on this project.