One ugly man. Many ugly thoughts. Hottie has a dip at an old ‘friend’ after Saturday’s Subi encounter.


Or to put it another way…..


I watched the footy with an old friend on Satdee night.

To be honest he’s more an acquaintance than a friend.

To be brutally honest I can’t stand him!

Anyhoo, no sooner had the umps pointed the Tommy moonward to signal both the start of the game and their systematic butchering of the rules (why isn’t it holding the ball when Judd takes on two tacklers and fails?) then he started……

…the West Coast has such wonderful young talent.
(apparently Sparky, Pendles, Harry O, Travis, Heater Shaw are so washed up they are not Collingwood but Natalie Wood!)

…this game is over, the Eagles have kicked a couple of early goals.
(not a murmur or even token acknowledgment when the Pies fight back)

Now you’d think, as the game first ‘opened up’ with sensational goal after sensational goal before tightening quicker than one of Ricky Oleranshaw’s hamstrings as both sides duked it out, there’d be plenty to like.


…never once acknowledged Travis Cloke’s hard running to provide a contest or his second efforts preferring to highlight one or two errors.

…never acknowledged Johnno’s guts in returning to battle after looking so one legged Paul McCartney proposed to him.

…never realised Pendles was on the ground or for that matter just how good he actually is.

It seemed nothing could stop his negativity towards the Pies…..

…Rocca was GONE and stupid for a run of the mill hip ‘n’ shoulder.

…the Eagles are covering their missing players well – no mention of the Woods who were AWOL.

The miserable dog simply wouldn’t shut up.
Unless of course the Pies did something good.

Now I’m the first to admit we are in somewhat of a transitional mode at Lexusland but there actually is A LOT TO LIKE ABOUT COLLINGWOOD AT THE MOMENT!!!!!

On and on he went.

It was amazing.

The carping clown had managed to watch the Pies for four quarters and not say ONE COMPLIMENTARY THING about them. Not one!
I don’t know why he bothers to even watch the Woods.

When the game finished I couldn’t turn the telly off quicker just to get him out of my house.I simply couldn’t bare the thought of him hanging any longer than need be.

Man, I dislike Tim Lane!!!!!!!!!

Please note: the views expressed in the above article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Collingwood Football Club or employees of the club. The Collingwood Football Club would like to acknowledge the tireless work of its supporters who contribute to