The Port Adelaide Football Club has appointed its new General Manager – Communications, Geoff Dodd.

Geoff will begin with the club on January 14, and will report to Chief Executive Mark Haysman.

Geoff’s background is in state and federal politics, having worked with Democrats leaders Cheryl Kernot and Meg Lees during the ‘90s, and more recently with the Premier’s Media Unit and within the state government in South Australia.

Geoff has clearly demonstrated his strategic communications expertise through his career, being responsible for all aspects of daily media advice and issues management, and dealing with multiple stakeholders.

Haysman said it was his passion for football in addition to his strategic media and communications experience which made Geoff the right candidate for the position.

“Geoff is a typical Adelaide boy of his and my era, having grown up going to the SANFL every week. You just know he lived and breathed it,” Haysman said.

“He has a history of involvement with grassroots community football in Canberra during the 10 years he lived there, and has recently worked for the AFL website, covering the visiting teams at AAMI Stadium on match days.

“This passion to put in the extra yards because he loves his footy is a quality we value at the Port Adelaide Football Club.

“We look forward to getting Geoff on board as we seek to improve our efforts around club identity, game day, club-generated website content, profile for our community initiatives, and generating additional opportunities for our corporate partners.”

Dodd said he was looking forward to getting started in January.

“It’s a rare opportunity to be able to work in the same area that’s your interest and passion, and anyone who knows me knows that’s football,” he said.

“The Port Adelaide Football Club is absolutely on the right track with the ‘Live the Creed’ campaign, and I look forward to delivering that with the staff and players of the club.

“I have a steep learning curve ahead of me and I’m going to be spending a lot of time listening, but I look forward to getting stuck into it.

“And as an added bonus I now know what I’m getting my kids for Christmas - a new ‘1870’ club jumper, which I’ve just ordered through the Power Megastore at Alberton!”