THE Port Adelaide Football Club has returned from their 2 day AFL Community Camp which was held in South Australia’s lower Eyre Peninsula and fishing capital, Port Lincoln.

The 47 man squad arrived in Port Lincoln early Monday morning to commence a number of school visits in the region, which saw the Power attend 16 schools and over 3, 900 students. The visits promoted health and wellbeing, the importance of physical activity and the negative consequences of smoking. The students also had the chance to meet and greet the players, receive autographs and pose for photos with players.

On the Monday afternoon the players hosted an AUSKICK Clinic for over 100 young footballers while the Power coaches hosted a forum for local coaches. All players and coaches then attended a Community Dinner.

The Port Adelaide Football Club would like to thank all the schools for all their help in preparing for our visit along with their kind hospitality and making the AFL Community Camp a huge success.

We look forward seeing you all in Teal.