In light of recent media speculation, Richmond Football Club today confirmed it was in discussions with the AFL that could result in the Club playing another home game interstate in 2011.

However, the Club stressed that no decision would be made that would in any way compromise the rights of members to access 11 games in Melbourne.

"Our members are of paramount importance to this football club and we would not make any decision that would adversely affect them," Richmond CEO Brendon Gale said today.

"The first question we ask ourselves before making any such decision is: are we able to protect the rights of our members? If the answer to that is yes, we then consider the other implications of moving a game."

"As part of any decision we then have to consider what it means for the team, the growth of our national brand as well as the financial implications for the Club.

"Should it evolve that we play another game interstate, our members will certainly retain access to 11 games in Melbourne and we would anticipate the vast majority and quite possibly all of those games would be at the MCG which would be a great result for them.”

Richmond coach Damien Hardwick said he had no concerns about his young side having to play an additional game on the road.

"Travel is a reality of the modern game and coping with it is imperative if you are going to win enough games to play finals. From a football development perspective I don't have any concerns with it - you have to learn to cope with it and experience is the best way you learn," Hardwick said.
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