What a very long day I had on Thursday.  I didn't go to school for the first time since I started school this year!  Instead, I got up before my normal wakeup time, when it was still really dark.  We were in the car just before 7 am, to drive over to Melbourne - that's the home of the Blues!  I was so very, very excited.  This was going to be the first time I'd be able to see new captain, Chris Judd, playing for us!  My Nan loved Juddy - she's a West Coast Eagles supporter, and she'd told me I had to give him a little cheer for her.  {You'll be pleased to know I gave him lots of cheers Nan}.  I was also excited because I'd be able to see Carlton's captain from LAST year, Lance Whitnall (Big Red), doing a farewell lap before the game.  We didn't get to say goodbye to him when he stopped playing last year.  And another thing that had me happy was knowing I would see my cousins Nick & Josh & Uncle David & Auntie Jodi who were driving over from Edenhope to go to the game with us.

It took us a long, long time to drive over.  Mummy and Daddy were really sick of me asking "how long to get there?".  We made it to Melbourne early enough, but then it took us almost an hour to drive through the last 4 km to our hotel!!  Lots of traffic, full of people going on their Easter/school holidays and others getting to the footy for the game's early start time of 6 pm.  I was worried we would not get there in time.  At least I had lots of fun looking at all the people walking to the footy, proud that many of them were in their Blues gear.  David & co had already walked to our hotel when we arrived, dressed in their footy gear ready to go.  We still had to check in and get changed in OUR footy gear and put Carlton tattoos on my face and hand (Nick put one on his face too - Josh didn't because he goes for the Hawks), before we all walked the few minutes to the MCG. 

There were so many people at the ground trying to get in at once, and outside the gates some Carlton people were giving away little toy dogs with Carlton jumpers on.  I got one for me and one to take home to my best buddy Jonah.  Daddy bought a footy Record, and on the front page was a big photo of Chris Judd holding the footy.  We had to line up at the gates for a little while but we made it through and finally got to our seats in the Great Southern Stand.  We could hear a big cheer before we made it to our seats, and saw as we sat down the black car that was driving Big Red around the oval for his farewell lap - it had already gone past us and was way over the other side of the ground.  So we didn't get to see him after all, or take a photo.  I was a bit sad about that.

But my sadness didn't last long.  The big MCG lights were already on, everything was bright and dazzling, and it was super-dooper fun to be there with thousands of people and my favourite footy team!   Mum and I took Nick down to the boundary to wave our flags as the players ran through the banner, led by Chris Judd.  There was a really loud roar for them!  But even though it was a Carlton home game, there were lots and lots of Tiger supporters there too.  So it would be fun when the game began, hearing cheering for both teams - instead of matches in Adelaide when most of the crowd is going for the home side.  I tried looking out for my favourite players amongst those out on the field - they were over the other side of the oval so it was a bit hard - I looked out for them on the big screen instead.

We walked back up to our seats after that, as it wouldn't be long for the game to start.  When Chris Judd went up to toss the coin for the first time for our club, the big screen showed a picture of him.  "There's Chris Judd!" I said to Josh.  I told Josh he should cheer for the Blues tonight, but he reckoned he would go for the Tigers.  Juddy won the toss and the crowd cheered again.   He opted to kick away from us, which would mean they'd be kicking to the goals near us in the last quarter.  Would we be cheering them home for a win?  The big screen showed who was playing on the night - Carlton and Richmond.  Come on, Carlton!!

And then the game started.  Much to my delight, Chris Judd got the first handball and the first kick!  The ball came down Richmond's end near us.  Our rookie Jamison who'd only played 5 games was playing on Richo who'd played 256 games, but he did a great spoil on him. Soon after Thornton (T-Bird) took a great mark in our backline.  Then Fev, running along the boundary towards our goals handballed the ball to Murphy - goal!  The first one of the match.  My screaming for the Blues began.  Richmond got the next goal, but it was followed up by Fev getting one for us - he really loved kicking it and Carlton players came from all over to celebrate with him.  As well as Juddy in the centre, Stevo was also playing really well.  His blonde hair stood out and so did he with all the good footy playing he did.  My favourite Murph was tackling like a crocodile, especially when it came down to the Tigers forward pocket (the end we were sitting) and he earned a free kick - yay Murphy - he got some flag-waving for his effort - and the ball went back to our end.  Fev stood up for a whopper mark, two men against him, but Fev at least brought the ball to ground.  He got straight back up, weaved alongside the point post, tried to kick a goal - Jake Edwards was there to help - GOAL!!  Flags to wave again!  Judd went off for a rest (he's coming back from a big injury so will only play part of each quarter for the first few games).  Waite was doing well in defence, and he intercepted a Richmond kick with a brilliant mark.  But he took too long to have his kick, and was tackled from behind (he mustn't have heard the play on call by the umpire?), leading to a Richmond goal.  Scores were level - 3 goals 2 points each.  Time for me to eat some of my sandwich for tea.

Judd then got a free in the centre, kicked it straight to Fev, who stumbled, not ready.  Maybe he wasn't used to the ball coming out from our centre guys so quickly!  Somehow Judd got another free, kicked to Houlihan, who lined up for a goal - but no, he kicked short to Fev instead.  No goal.  Ball back to Richmond's end, where Thornton again defended really well.  Eddie Betts had the ball, kicked well to Cloke, who kicked a boomer!  I wonder if I'll ever be able to kick such a big one like that.  It went to Stevo!  I get ever so excited as it looked like we might get another goal soon, BUT the Tigers get a free kick.  Drats.  Gee, Fev is on fire - getting lots of the play.  Murphy too, a fantastic kick out to - would you believe it? - Thornton!!  He lined up for goal, but...........got a point.  Fev went to the bench for a rest, and on came our Irishman Setanta, another player who's come back from an injury (sickness - where he'd lost around 16 kg - now looking nearly as thin as me!).  We like Setanta - I especially like the way he gets really excited if he kicks a goal, just like I do when I get excited about things, dancing a little jig.  Josh likes him too, as he and several other Carlton players went to his school last year.  Our favourite Richmond player, Richo, was on fire just as much as our Fev was.  He was taking lots of big marks with the black glove on one hand, but we must remember he is 17 kg heavier than our rookie Jamison!!  Richo towered above most of our players.  He kicked a big goal to put the Tigers in front.  BUT then I got what I wished for, a goal by Setanta!  He kicked a beauty just seconds before the quarter time siren, and he didn't let me down with the way he celebrated it!!  Quarter time had us level - 4 goals 3 points each.

Jodi bought me some hot chips and Mum took me to the toilet at quarter time, and so we missed the first minute or so, but luckily we got back to our seats JUST in time to see Houla weaving through traffic (that's what Mum calls it when there are lots of players in the way) for a goal!  What a good start.  Yay Houley-Dooley Houlihan!!  (I love saying his name as it sounds cool).  Houlihan was playing half forward this quarter, which we love to see.  Our three-pronged forward line looks good, with Fev, Hartlett & Edwards (even though Hartlett & Edwards have only played four games between them!).  Back at the centre bounce, Judd got the ball straight out to Stevo - to Jake Edwards - big kick where Hartlett almost marked it on his back on the ground near the point post - somehow handballed it out - back to Edwards who took a good mark - kicked to Fev.  Again, Fev with many players on him missed the mark but he thundered through like a big freight train with long arms - got the ball to Simpson, who lined up for a goal.  Houla gave Fev a high five for his efforts (I like giving people high fives too), and then went back to the goal square while Simmo had his shot.  The ball was falling a bit short - Houla held one Richmond player down while others went up for the mark, but a Tiger marked it.  It went back to the centre, where Murphy caused a turnover - back to us - but then back to them - then us - Edwards has two on him each time. Cloke's doing well, and Murphy, Carrots, Betts, Stevo.  Houla has the ball out on the wing and kicks well to Carrots - to Fev - got a free and lined up for a goal.  He was out around 50 m on an angle and was aiming directly for me!  Come on, Fev, kick it straight through for a goal!  Point only.  But Grigg marked well from their kickout at about 60 m - back to Edwards who flied up from behind to try for a pack mark - crumbed by Eddie Betts - shepherded by Fev - Eddie followed through - goal!  Celebrations galore - by players on the field and Carlton supporters off the field!  My voice is starting to disappear, I'm shouting out so much!  Soon after, Carrots got himself in to trouble but Stevo helped out - HUGE kick for another goal!  More team celebrations.  Scotland then had a shot at goal - Fev the big high flier - but only a point.  Tigers kicked out to their team, Kade Simpson came pelting through for a huge spoil, sending the ball over the boundary in our forward pocket.  Stevo did a great kick to Scotland - GOAL!  Team celebrations again - it was so fantastic to see the team spirit from our players.

Judd got a silky smooth handball out to Eddie - goal!  The scores were 9 goals 5 points to us and only 5 goals 4 points to them.  We were looking good!!  Richmond got another goal, though - they just keep on hanging in there.  Deep in our backline, Mr Everywhere Judd got the ball again - out to Houla - halfway to our goals - but turned over to a Richmond goal.  Thornton took a handball from Gibbs - kicked to Carrots - then Thornton followed up with a mark - kicked to skinny Setanta.  No goal for him this time, which was a pity as it was up our end and I'd have been able to see his cool celebration style easily from where I was sitting.  Thornton stopped the ball again - kicked to Setanta, who couldn't mark it.  Back to the Tigers - Richo big mark - goal.  Drats.  They were catching up - we were still on 9 goals and they were on 8!  Thornton took a great mark deep in Richmond's goal square, and earned a 50 m free.  This was his 17th possession already!  The siren sounded then for half time, with scores pretty close - 9 goals 6 (60) to us and 8 goals 6 (54) to them.  Mummy was starting to get a bit nervous, but I told her to relax, Carlton was definitely going to win.

At half time Mum took me with Nick and Josh to show them the magic balls at the MCG.  Do you remember me telling you about them in my story last year about my first time at the MCG when we beat the Bulldogs?  They are cricket balls you spin and then rub the centre of the oval while shutting your eyes and wishing for your team to win.  On our way to the balls, we stopped at a merchandise stand because Mum had promised me all week she'd buy me a Chris Judd badge at the footy.  I already had a Chris Judd badge, but it was actually Nan's West Coast Eagles Chris Judd badge she'd given me when we found out he was going to become a Carlton player! (I did tell Nan she should now become a Carlton supporter so she could keep on cheering for Juddy but she wouldn't listen to me).  We had covered over the WCE sign and I was wearing that badge on my hat already and I put my new badge on my footy jumper.  So now I have TWO Chris Judd badges!  Mum also bought me a Houlihan badge.  Thanks Mummy!!  Then we continued on to the balls.   They are right near Bay M15 in the Southern Stand.  We all made our wishes. Of course Nick, Mum and I all said we wanted the Blues to win.  Josh first wished for the Tigers, but then changed his mind and went for the Blues (I think I had finally convinced him the Blues are a nicer team to cheer for).  We got Josh to take a photo of us because he was the only one not wearing Blues gear.

In the second half, Thornton continued to stand tall in the backline (Daddy was listening to Triple M on the radio and when T-Bird took yet another solid mark he heard Garry Lyon say "is Thornton going to be the next SOS for Carlton?" - SOS is Stephen Silvagni - it would be great if he were still playing for us!).  The player that Mummy and a group of other Carlton supporters sponsor, Richard Hadley, got a goal then - we all went up to cheer - BUT it wasn't paid.  Instead a free went to Richmond (we're not sure why).  Hadley had the ball again, this time defending out on the wing - Stevo did some good things - Simpson too - Fev BIG mark - goal!!  By this time Josh was cheering for the Blues just as much as I was - he even borrowed my two flags and waved them wildly for the rest of the match.  He told me Carlton is now his second-favourite team after the Hawks.  At the 17 minute mark Judd came back on.  Richmond got a free (again we don't know why) - and a goal.  Nathan Brown for the Tigers then had the ball - kicked a huge one - another goal to the Tigers?  No - Jarrad Waite marked right on the goal line - Thornton paid a free - ball down our end - to Judd - goal?  No, a point.  Drats.  Richmond goal soon after.  Oh dear, we're only four points up!!  Back to Richmond's end again - Carrazzo great tackle to get a free - BUT Tigers get it again.  Thornton is solid as a rock against Richo, not letting him take the mark, both fall to the ground - Thornton gets a free.  Back to our end - but then straight back to Richmond's end again!  Richo runs in for another goal, putting them in front.  Oh no.  Three quarter time, scores are 10 goals 10 points to us (not good kicking!) and 11 goals 5 points to them.  We've had five more scoring shots and yet we're behind.  I wasn't feeling quite as confident now, although I did tell Mum that the Blues would be kicking towards us this last quarter so we'd be able to cheer them home.

Last quarter now and Richmond got the first goal straight away - lots of cheers for them.  Fev went up for a big mark but couldn't take it.  Then Murphy hurt himself - the trainers tried to get him to go off the ground, but he wouldn't.  He limped a bit, but looked like he'd be okay.  Hopefully, anyway!  Hartlett then hurt his knee and went off.  Richmond got another goal.  Everything was going against us!  What was happening?  Our rubbing of the magic balls didn't look like it was going to work - was it Josh's fault because he wished for Richmond first?  Soon Scotland had the ball and came running in towards goal - the ball's like a hot potato in our goal square - somehow Haadley gets it and kicks it high over his head - goal?  No, point.  So many points are we going to kick?  Houla gets the ball, set shot at 45 m, lines up for goal - another point.  Stevo then comes streaming in from our half back line, to the wing, towards goals - Mummy and I lost our voices screaming at him to kick a goal - he kicked towards Fev - he & Edwards both go up for the mark - Fev hurt himself.  Nothing's going right!  Instead, Richmond gets another goal and the Tigers in the crowd go berserk.  Come on Blues!!!!!!  We have 72 to their 84.  Richo again gets a goal.  And then ANOTHER one to them.  Four goals down already.  I'm feeling very sad.

But wait!  Scotland got a goal for us!  Then Fev lines up for a goal - big kick - point.  Judd does some great tackling on our half forward, inspiring Fev to join him.  The big screen flashes up the number of people at the game - there's 72,552 of us!!  That's a lot of people in one place - the most I've ever seen in my lifetime.  Meanwhile, the Blue Boys keep on trying - "don't give up, Blues!"  We're coming in for goal - ball goes to Houla - why doesn't he have a kick for goal?  Maybe because the last time he missed?  He handballs it instead, putting our player under pressure - it now goes back to Richmond.  Scotland got smashed - Houla marks - kicks it out to Fev, who kicks it towards the goals - but noone is there!  It's the 22 minute mark and we're not looking good.  Richmond gets a goal - they're still four goals in front.  I think it's all over, and Mum, Nick, David and I are feeling pretty sad.  Even Josh and Daddy are not all that happy, although at least Daddy has a soft spot for the Tigers.  At the 27 minute mark Richo kicks his fifth goal and Daddy can't help smiling - Richo is his hero, after all!  Half the crowd started chanting "Richmond!" [clap clap clap] -"Richmond!" [clap clap clap].  So I stood up and yelled back "Carlton!" [clap clap clap] - "Carlton!" [clap clap clap].

And then the final siren sounded.  We had lost by exactly five goals, even though we had exactly the same amount of scoring shots (24 each).  What a pity we kicked so many points.  The Richmond theme song started belting out through the loud speakers.  Mum turned to me and Josh and said that we must admit, this is a great song!  The song played three times over, and Daddy picked me up and sang along.  The third time, when they got to the last bit "oh we're from Tiger [yellow and black], oh we're from Tigerland" - they turned the sound down for the crowd to yell out the "yellow and black" part and I even joined in with them.  But I was still mostly sad that we had lost. However, it had been a great fun couple of hours, especially being with my two cousins!

We said goodnight to them as they were staying in another hotel, and Mummy, Daddy and I walked back home to ours.  The same as when we got to the ground, there were a lot of people leaving all at once.  Luckily it didn't take us long to walk back, because I was one very, very, very pooped little boy after my long, long, long day.  And do you know what?  Next month I'll get to do it all again, when we come over to Melbourne in our school holidays for two weeks, seeing the Blues at the MCG for THREE WEEKENDS in a row!  I'm even going to go to the zoo, the museum, a tour of the MCG and check out the Carlton boys at training.  We'll be city slickers!  I'll write again after the Collingwood game - and let's hope that time I'll be reporting a great win for the Blues!

Until then, it's over and out from Jesse.