SAINTS on-baller Luke Ball says costly turnovers have become an unwelcome and frustrating “common theme” in St Kilda’s 2008 season.

Those turnovers were on display again last night in the Saints 21-point loss to Port Adelaide, with both Ball and coach Ross Lyon pinpointing three first quarter errors as crucial in the result.

Defensive turnovers gifted Port the only three goals of the first term – and with the margins at the breaks 18, 19, 20 and finally 21 points, it’s clear how vital they were in the continuation of St Kilda’s poor recent record against the Power.

“We haven’t had a great record against them (Port) over the last three or four years I suppose,” Ball told after the match.

“It’s hard to put your finger on a reason for it … I think you’ve just got to treat each game on its merits. You look at this game and pretty silly turnovers and mistakes cost us a few goals early, and in the end that was the difference.

“Our effort’s alright, we’re trying hard, but we’re just costing ourselves with some sloppy decision-making more than anything. It’s costing us easy goals.

“That’s been a reasonably common theme through our first six weeks now. It’s frustrating. Obviously we’ve still got a lot of work to do to address that on the track so it doesn’t happen.”

Lyon was also critical of a lack of output from his midfield rotation, saying his team had a few players down compared to the Power.

While Lenny Hayes (31 possessions) was his usual hard-working self and Leigh Montagna also found plenty of the leather, Nick Dal Santo was held to just 13 touches by Kane Cornes (who amassed 33 possessions himself) and Ball had the ball just 16 times.

Ball is still recovering from the effects of post-season surgery to relieve his well-documented groin problems.

“I’m starting to feel pretty good,” Ball said.

“Other guys who have had similar problems to me and have had the same little operation say it takes a while to get yourself back toward 100 per cent.

“I’m slowly getting there – gaining a little bit more confidence to run and kick long. I think that’s showing a little bit, but there’s still a fair bit of work to do.”

Next week’s round seven match will effectively be the Saints' 11th match of the season, with St Kilda having won through to the NAB Cup final. But Ball doesn’t think the “extended” nature of the season is having any effect on the Saints results.

“I think it (the NAB Cup) was a good thing,” Ball said.

“It gave a lot of the young guys some good experience, and we got to play on good grounds against good teams. It wouldn’t say that’s had any adverse effect on how we’re going.

“It’s more about stopping those costly errors and getting a bit smarter and disciplined in our decision-making, and hopefully it will turn around pretty quick for us.”

Nevertheless, the break for the Victoria-Dream Team game will be welcome. And Ball says it will guarantee the side goes all out in this Saturday night’s match against Richmond at the Telstra Dome.

“They’re (the Tigers) certainly full of confidence at the moment. Hawthorn tomorrow will be a tough one for them … but there’s no easy games at all in this competition.

 “The week after that’s the bye, so we’ll be looking to get back on the positive side of the ledger before then at 4-3.”