St Kilda Football Club confirms that a meeting proposed by Andrew Lovett and his manager Alex McDonald for yesterday did not take place.
At last Wednesday’s AFL Grievance Tribunal Hearing, the Tribunal stated that it would provide the Club with detailed written reasons regarding its jurisdiction by Friday 5thMarch.

On that same night last week, the Club stated publically that a decision regarding its next steps would be made after having the benefit of reading the Tribunal’s written reasons. As these are yet to be received, St Kilda’s position has not changed.
Both parties however, agreed on a meeting for today.

The AFL yesterday held discussions with St Kilda wherein the Cub has confirmed it would participate in an independent mediation process in order to resolve the outstanding issues.

Lovett’s management advised St Kilda that in view of the discussions with the AFL regarding a potential mediation process, the meeting arranged for today was not required and should not go ahead.

The Club believes that a mediation process could be an appropriate course of action to most efficiently resolve the issues between the parties.