Day 3

Monday 7 December
Alola Village to Templeton’s Crossing, 12km

The group had another early start today in preparation for the 12km trek to Templeton’s Crossing.
After a steep, muddy climb down from Alola Village, the party followed the undulating trail along the creek line. At Eora creek ridge, the group explored relics such as grenades, bullet and mortar casings and Japanese helmets that lay undisturbed at the Japanese camp site.

Along the way, the travel party also passed many Australian fox holes and weapon pits that lined the track, which were further evidence to the brutal realities of war and the fighting withdrawal methods of the Australians.

The day ended at Templeton’s Crossing which is named after Captain ‘Uncle Sam’ Templeton, the commander of the 39th Battalion who died trying to prevent his troops falling into the enemy’s trap.

The campsite is situated on the roaring Eora creek, which forms natural spa-like pools and is a refreshing waterhole that soothed the players’ aching feet and muscles.

Stay posted to for daily updates from the track!

Kokoda tracking 2009