This week spoke to Power member (and secretary of the Outer Army), Sandra Thompson of Seaton.

PAFC: How long have you been a Power member?
Sandra: Since 2004.

Where do you sit at games?
In the outer, in the pocket down the northern end. I sit with a group of five and other members of the Outer Army.

Why do you love the Port Adelaide Football Club?
I’ve been a Port Adelaide supporter since I was a little kid, it’s in my blood. I like the fact that it’s a family club and I love the culture and tradition. It’s the best football club in Australia and I’m very proud of it.

What is your best memory at AAMI Stadium?
There are a few. One was the round 22 clash with Brisbane back in 2002 when we had 46,000 fans there. Roger James kicked the winning goal in the last couple of minutes of the game and the crowd went crazy. I remember as we were walking out, the song came on the big screen and the team was singing it, and everyone just stopped, turned around and sang along too. It was really special. And obviously the atmosphere at the 2004 Preliminary Final was great.

Favourite Power moment (outside of the 2004 Premiership)?
That’s a toughie. I do travel to watch games quite a bit. The Essendon game in 2006 was pretty special as it was one of the first big trips the Outer Army did. We had 3 buses go over and we all sat behind the goals – we made a lot of noise and the atmosphere was great. Also, unfurling the Outer Army’s magnificent heritage banner at Telstra Dome during heritage round last year. That would have to be the biggest highlight for me away from Footy Park by a mile.

Favourite player? Why?
There are a few, but Troy Chaplin. I just love the way he goes about his game and I see a lot of potential with him.

Which young player has caught your eye the most?
Chappy again, he’s developing well over the last couple of years. Alipate ‘Bobby’ Carlile is pretty impressive too.

Which player typifies the Port Adelaide Football Club best and why?
That has to be Chad Cornes, he’s just so passionate. He’s one of the best players in the AFL, so we’re very lucky to have him. He’s fearless and that really fires the guys up.

Why do you love going to games at AAMI Stadium?
I just love going to the footy, being there live. We sit on the fence and make a bit of noise – it’s great fun!

What could be done differently at home games?
The club should just keep doing what they are doing. I think the effort over the last couple of years to get information from members is outstanding and I see many new initiatives being tried all the time. The club are never going to be able to please everybody all the time and all they can do is keep listening to members and trying new things as they are currently doing. Of course winning a few more games probably wouldn’t hurt either!

Thanks Sandra, hopefully the boys can turn their form around this weekend.