The North Melbourne Football Club (“the Club”) advises that they are proposing to proceed with the development of the North Melbourne Community Sports Hub, which will involve the redevelopment of the North Melbourne Recreation Reserve (“the Reserve”) during the latter part of 2012 (“the Redevelopment”).

The Reserve and its surrounds are currently in a dilapidated state and are in need of major refurbishment, not only for its intended use as an elite football oval, but also to facilitate increased community use and programming.

The Club has been able to secure Federal Government funding to redevelop the Reserve to ensure that it:
• Is suitable for its current intended use;
• Does have the necessary flexibility to allow greater community usage;
• Does meet contemporary standards for AFL or community football venues;
• Removes unnecessary health and safety risks to players, spectators, officials and the general public whom use or visit the Reserve;
• Does meet accepted environmental standards.

It is anticipated that the during the Redevelopment, Reserve will be out of commission for a period of approximately 20 weeks for both the Club and the community. Every measure will be undertaken to minimize the impact of this Redevelopment on the surrounding area of the Reserve.

Public information meetings will be held at the North Melbourne Football Club at 204 Arden Street, North Melbourne on the 7th and 8th December 2011 between 7.00 am and 9.00 am and 6.00 pm and 8.00pm to provide further information on the logistics of the Redevelopment.

All interested parties or community members are invited to attend any of the above times or contact John Murphy on 9320 2411, or email for further information.

Eugene Arocca
Chief Executive Officer
North Melbourne Football Club

Christmas on Arden Street , Saturday December 10 at Aegis Park, 11am-2pm - click here for more information