IN PART part one of our exclusive interview, Western Bulldogs coach Rodney Eade talks specifically about some of his players; sharing his thoughts on the future of veterans Brad Johnson and Barry Hall.

With what’s happened with Brad Johnson this year, do you think that’s changed his mentality on playing on in 2011?
I haven’t spoken to him about it but there’s no doubt this year has been frustrating for him. On the positive side, the achilles was the initial issue and that seems to have had a turn for the better. With his ankle, that can be operated on to remove a spur. Looking at it right now, I think he’s still got his pace and that’s the most key attribute a forward needs. From what I’ve seen at the moment, I think he’s still got enough to go around next year. Whether he can mentally do that, because we all hit the wall at some stage, and whether it’s been brought on by this year, I don’t know.

Will it be entirely Brad’s call?
Probably not. We’ve made some hard calls on players in the past who thought they wanted to go on and we didn’t think it was best. That will be in conjunction with the match committee with what we think is best for the club and the team. His body might not be able to go on so we’d have to make the call. I don’t know where his head is at but he’s a fairly realistic sort of guy. He doesn’t live in a delusional world. He more than anyone will be able to make a realistic call on where he’s at and we’ll take it on board.

If he does go on, do you see him as captain next year?
I thought at the start of the year, even with Brad being fit, that if he had another year to go, it might be best for him to enjoy that year without the pressure. It might be best for him if he played on after the frustration with his body this year to just play a year without any stress. We’ve certainly got some good candidates if Brad decides he doesn’t want to be captain.

Is there an obvious replacement?
We’ve got some good leaders and they’ve developed really well. There’s three or four - Boyd, Giansiracusa, Cross, Murphy - that have been really good. Hudson is a very good leader but he’s not going to be captain because of his age. Morris is a good leader in his own way as well. It’s too hard to crystal ball at this stage.

Barry Hall has surpassed all expectations this year and seems to be happier and fitter than ever.
When we first got Barry, he wasn’t going to just be judged on his goals kicked. If he kicked 40 or 50 goals, we’d be pleased because we knew there were a whole range of other things he’d be able to add with his physical pressure and presence and development of younger players like Grant and Jones. He’s given us all that as well as more goals than we thought. He’s surpassed what we hoped. Fitness-wise, he’s pretty good. A 33-year-old is going to get some aches and pains at times. He had that ankle operated on so there’s some aching there but he’s been good. Not going to Darwin helped him, having a break, and looking at next year, he might need two or three games off at some stage. The two byes next year will help.

Based on what you’ve seen this year, is this necessarily his last contract?
With guys at that age, it’s always difficult because it can finish pretty quickly. If you look at him now, you’d think not only will he have next year, but he’ll have the year after. Things can change pretty quickly for a 33-year-old. It will be judged next year on how he goes. It’s probably too early to call.

How is Will Minson going?
He’s turned the corner. He hurt his ankle ligament, the syndesmosis, and it’s a nasty injury but his was on the mild side. He missed two and then when he came back, he wasn’t 100 per cent but the medical staff said he wasn’t going to be for three or four weeks and playing wasn’t going to put him back any further. He’s played two at Williamstown and on the weekend, he was a lot better. Now he’s in the 90 per cent range. He’ll play again at Willy this week and then he’ll be ready to put his name up. Jordan is playing really well at the moment and Will’s got a fight on his hands. He knows that, but he relishes the challenge.

Who is the better forward out of Roughead and Minson?
Having natural instincts, probably Jordan, but Will has a lot more experience in that role and has played against every team and different opponents. Jordan hasn’t had a lot of exposure and hasn’t got a lot of the ball but he’s taken some good marks and he looks like he’s got some good instincts. Whether he’s in front of Will in that area at this stage, I don’t know. Will could still get back in; it’s not a closed shop. Jordan’s incumbent and his form is good at the moment. If Jordan keeps playing well, he stays in.

Are you disappointed you haven’t got more out of Ayce Cordy?
We knew he was quite loose jointed so there was a tendency for him to get an injury or two. He’s had the operation on the shoulder and the other one is loose so he’ll have that one done in September, although it’s not as invasive an operation. He’s working hard but he’s frustrated. When we recruited him he had a shoulder operation as well. He’s still lean although he’s put 17 kilos on since he’s been here. His body has to adjust to that. There’s a whole range of things when your body is that tall - it’s just not a matter of getting out and playing footy. We’re hopeful he can play some senior footy next year, a bit like Jordan has this year. If he can get half a dozen games next year, it will be good for his development. The year after, we’d try and look at him becoming a regular senior player.

It must have been disappointing to lose Sam Reid again. Do you see a future for him at the club?
He showed a great deal in 2009 so we know he’s got talent. You don’t turf someone out because of injuries. I certainly think he’s got a good future. He really did some fantastic jobs last year. He’s got some real exquisite skill with his hands and he’s tough. He’s very fit. It showed how tough he is when he went back out after doing the first shoulder in that game this year. He’s also frustrated with it all and desperate to play. It’s best for him to get his shoulders done and have a good pre-season. Other players, like Judd, have had both shoulders done so it’s not going to be detrimental to his career.

What about Jarrod Harbrow and the Gold Coast’s interest?
We want him to stay. We think it’s 50-50 at the moment. His family and girlfriend are in Brisbane so there are a whole lot of emotional pulls there. We’re just talking to his management group at the moment. We’ve told him how vital he is to our future success so we’ll just leave that and see what happens.

If he does go, will you be adequately compensated for him given the changes in concessions?
It’s a lot better now. The criteria they’re assessing players on is much more common sense. Full credit to the AFL for taking feedback on board. Initially, we may have only got a third-round pick for him if he went. It’s now based on age and the money they’re being offered from the new franchise, which is much fairer and sensible.

You’ve elevated Andrew Hooper - is he a chance to get a game this year?
We did that for Darwin because we had a couple of players sore and we thought with the heat it might be a good idea to take a small player with pace. As it turned out, we didn’t take him. Since then, his form hasn’t been great for Williamstown so he’s probably not going to get in this year. Having said that, we think he’s really improved and we think he’s a good chance of being elevated for next year.