SINCE boarding a one-way flight from Adelaideto Melbournelast November, Bryce Gibbs has been caught up in a flurry of activity.

Moving interstate to pursue a career in football at the ageof 17 is not uncommon these days, and for the highly-rated Gibbs, it was aprospect he had time to adjust to given the early interest shown in him by Melbourne-basedclubs.

But the talented youngster was surprised by the suggestionhe nominate for the club’s leadership group – particularly given he was yet to evenplay his first game.

"It was a bit of a surprising time. I wasn't too surewhat to expect," Gibbs told

"The coaching staff came to me and said, ‘Would youlike to apply?’, and I wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do or not.

"I ended up applying, just to see what happened, andthe coaching staff said, ‘We'd like you to be in the leadership group, we'vespoken to most of the other players and they've said they'd love to have you inthere’.

"I suppose it's more for a bit of a learning experience,so I speak up when I think I need to, but I think it's more for me just tolearn and get a feel for what happens in there."

With only 10 senior games under his belt - although the mostrecent did earn him a NAB AFL Rising Star nomination - Gibbs admits he needs tobecome more vocal on the field.

"I think that's the area I need to improve on, on thefield with instructing blokes around," he said.

"I'm doing it a little bit, but it's definitelysomething I can get better at."

Gibbs said the hectic nature of his life since November hasbeen emphasised further by the pace of Melbourne.

"It's been flat-out. I've been living here seven monthsnow and it feels like I've just gotten here," he said.

"It's such a busy place over here and everything ishappening so quickly that you can't stop to think too much.

"But, it's been great so far."

His favourite memory of the season so far involves his debutmatch, although he said he was a little bewildered when he ran out onto thefield.

"I was thinking, ‘what am I doing here?’," helaughed.

"Since I got drafted, everything has gone so quicklyand I was running out, through the banner, and we stopped to have a bit of astretch and I looked around.

"There were about 60,000 people at the ‘G, and I thinkthat's when it really sunk in that I was about to play AFL footy.

"It's been my dream since I can remember, so it's beenpretty crazy. I'm living my dream now, and I'm loving every minute of it."

Gibbs said the youthful average age of the Blues' list hasmade it easy to relate to his teammates.

"Any footy club has such a great atmosphere, just beingaround a group of mates that love playing footy,” he said.

"The Carltonboys have been really good, both on and off the field. On the field, it's beengreat playing with them, and off the field, having dinner together and playinggolf and that sort of thing, having a laugh … it's been great."