Now here's a radical idea - why not use the time you spend watching television commercials to get up and do some exercise?

The next time you see your family sitting in front of the TV and not being active, take the initiative and lead them in a few exercises when the advertisements begin. You might still be puffing when the program comes back on but you'll be surprised how quickly you start seeing and feeling the benefits of even a small amount of exercise.

"When can I find the time?" is often given as a reason why people don't exercise yet we seem to find plenty of time to watch TV. This is particularly true for children who seem to spend an ever-increasing amount of time glued to the box.

Could we make more use of this leisure time in a way that actually helps improve our health? The answer is yes.

Uncouch the potatoes

The next time the family is watching TV, as soon as a commercial break comes on, get them to see how many different exercises they can do before their show starts again. During the first ad break try and do as many push ups as you can. You don't have to do the tough ones. (Start with push ups from your knees.) As you get better, fitter and stronger, try push ups from your toes. Try and do 10 or so push ups per commercial break and rest when the program comes back on.

Shadow box the box

For the next set of advertisements, see how many sit ups or crunches you can do. If it's practical and safe, consider jumping or running on the spot, shadow boxing or even skipping rope (if your TV room is big enough). Gentle stretching exercises are another option - and can even be performed quietly during the kids' favourite shows.

For parents, being a role model is important when it comes to promoting the healthy image. By participating - yes, you'll need to get off the couch and lead the way - the kids are more likely to listen and follow your example.

Establishing a fitness habit in your children while they are young is vital. Inactive children can turn into inactive adults – who are more likely to develop health problems such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

So, try something different and clear some space on your lounge room floor in front of the TV. If commercial breaks last two minutes and take place roughly every 10, that's almost 15 minutes per hour available for improving your health!

Related reading:
Encourage Your Kids To Be Active
Small Screen Vortex
Wii Exercise?