This paper has been prepared at the request of the AFL Football Operations Department, to address the issue of injuries to the Posterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) of ruckmen occurring at the centre bounce.

The reason for concern about this issue results from an apparent increase in these injuries in the last five years.

In 2000 we provided an opinion for the Rules Committee based on available information to that time. A review after a further four years now provides a dramatically different picture and enables us to comment more reliably on a changed situation.

This paper uses data collected from the AFL Medical Officers Injury Survey, supplemented by additional information provided by club doctors and injured players. Additional views were sought through interview with ruckmen, ruck coaches past and present, senior coaches, the umpiring department, media commentators and club doctors.

Various factors that have led to the apparent increase in ruck PCL injuries are postulated and options that may reduce this injury are considered.

Dr Hugh Seward is President of the AFL Medical Officers Association (AFLMOA).
Dr John Orchard is Convenor of the AFLMOA Injury Survey.
Andrew Morris is a medical student

Ruckmen and PCL Injuries (.pdf)