CARLTON skipper Chris Judd has confessed to a bout of pre-match nerves in the lead-up to his much publicised return to Subiaco Oval.

Judd came in for some heavy attention from his former West Coast teammates but played an influential role in Carlton’s 37-point victory.

Judd said he didn’t waste time worrying about the tactics the Eagles would use to curb his influence on the game.

“I get a close tag most weeks,” he said.

“To be honest, I never really go into games with preconceived views about what’s going to happen. If you work yourself up expecting a lot of push and shove and if it doesn’t eventuate, sometimes you’re a bit let down and the reverse is also true.

“So I just go into games with an open mind and be prepared for whatever comes my way.”

Judd said he had tried to ignore the intense media build-up to his return match in Perth but conceded he felt the pressure of facing his old crowd.

“People were sort of talking to me during the week saying ‘you’re going to feel strange’ and I generally thought I wouldn’t think so,” he said.

“But today I was very nervous about it and it was a strange feeling to come out here.

“Every time a West Coast runner would run by with the drink bottles I kept thinking I should grab one off him!  

“It was [a] different [feeling] but we got a win and I’m just rapt about it.

“The people of Perth have been very kind to me and I really enjoy coming back here.”

The loss to Carlton leaves West Coast’s season in tatters but Judd offered some sympathy to his former teammates.

“A lot of them are good mates and they’re obviously going through a lean patch and I certainly feel for them,” he said.

“But they’re all big boys and I’m certain they’ll bounce back.”

Judd said he’s confident he’s approaching full fitness after a limited off-season preparation.

“I’m really happy with how I’m going. The groins are feeling good and I think I’m pretty close to full strength.”