

Welcome to the February 2008 newsletter. We hope you have all enjoyed the holiday season and are ready for an exciting new year with 1Seven. Over the holidays we have been hard at work implementing some of the feedback and suggestions we received in 2007. Based on the results of the surveys completed last year, we have some exciting new projects for this year as well as updating the website to be more user-friendly for those using it.


Now, we don’t want to overwhelm you at the start of the school year, so this month’s newsletter, focussed on summer, will give you some ideas and tips on how to make the most of the sunny weather and enjoy some outdoor activities along the way!

Embrace Outdoors Play

No one wants their children to get hurt but experts are now suggesting that wrapping kids in cotton wool, and not allowing them to play outside, may be doing them more harm than good. [CLICK HERE]


Exercise Skin Protection

When you head out to exercise to improve your health, think of your whole body and don't forget your skin. [CLICK HERE]

Perfect Timing

Is there a best time of day to exercise or play sport? [CLICK HERE]

Top Up Your Tanks

Have you ever run around in the hot sun until you felt light-headed, dizzy or even unwell? You may have been suffering from 'dehydration'. [CLICK HERE]


Lazy Summer Days Hurt Teens

Teens who laze their summer holidays away may find their fitness is back at square one on the first day of school. [CLICK HERE]

New Features in 2008

Based on the results of the surveys completed in 2007, we are pleased to announce some exciting updates to both the website and the program for this year. These changes have taken into account the views and opinions expressed by those using the site the most – so stay tuned throughout 2008 as the following projects are launched:

  • Updated Curriculum Lessons
  • The 1Seven Medibank Healthy School Awards
  • New Lunchbox Recipes
  • Podcasts with our program Ambassadors
  • Links in the article ‘related readings’
  • Key health information messages in certain languages

Sports Kit Winners

We are pleased to announce that the following schools are the state/territory winners of the sports kit for the month of February. These sports kits will either be presented by a Game Development staff member and where possible with an elite player from one of the sports or be couriered direct to the school.

Congratulations to the following schools:

  • Lenah Valley Primary School – Tasmania
  • Woodroffe Primary School – Northern Territory
  • Kinlock Primary School – Western Australia
  • Hendon Primary School – South Australia
  • Wanniassa Hills Primary School – ACT
  • Essendon Primary School – Victoria
  • Bass Hill Primary School – New South Wales
  • Lindum State School - Queensland


We hope that 1Seven will assist and stimulate discussion, thought and action in schools, communities and homes. We welcome your feedback and please feel free to email your thoughts, comments and suggestions to:

Kind regards,
1Seven program – AFL and Netball Australia