FOCUSING on your run-with role on Adam Goodes last round – it was a fine performance. You had 18 disposals and he had just eight for the match. How did you assess it?

Simon Godfrey It was great to have a bit of game time, which helps the fitness, especially when you play on the likes of Goodes, so it was good.

Goodes had a blinder against Melbourne in round 19 last year and you played on him during that match. What did you learn against him the previous time that you were able to take into last weekend's match?

I learned how to play him and stand him. He likes running hard forward, so you've got to try and stop him running as much as you can. We probably pumped out 17kms on Saturday night, so you've got to be fit enough to run with him.

How hard is it to pull up from running 17km a match? Your body gets used to it and that's why it's so important to complete a pre-season.

What did you make of the tribunal's decision to allow Goodes free to play this weekend, although he struck you in the back?

I didn't think there was a lot in it and I didn't really see it on the TV. It was just a push in the back and there wasn't too much force in it. I think 'Goodesy' is an honest bloke and a good fella and he put his hand up when he made a mistake. He wasn't happy with himself, with what he did.

Did Goodes come up and apologise to you after the match?

He apologised and he's a good fella.

You're getting close to your 100th AFL game – this will be your 93rd match this round against Port Adelaide – but it hasn't been easy for you. You've battled hard to get to this position. What will the 100-game milestone mean to you – all things being equal – when you reach it?

You don't want to get too far ahead, but from where I've come from and what I've done with my career, it'll be something good to hang my hat on. When I'm there, I can reset new goals and work towards something else.

You impressed during 2006, performing some fine run-with roles? Did that give you renewed confidence entering this season?

I guess so, but I think every year I've been at the club I've improved and that's what you want – you don't want to go backwards. As long as you keep improving and get better, I think that's what footy is all about. I think I've got a lot more to give. I'm 26 and coming into an exciting time of my career.

Does it annoy you that some people consider you just a bit-part player?

Whatever people think and once they get an opinion of you, it's probably hard to shake that, but you don't worry about what people think. You get on with what you can control and what you can do for the team. If everyone does their role, we'll get the four points.

Do you consider the club's injuries as the main reason why it has yet to win a match this season?

Obviously we've got a lot of injuries, but we've also got a good list and I think it's time for a few other blokes to stand up and take their opportunities.

Looking ahead to this round against Port Adelaide. Which key players are likely to return?

Hopefully the skipper (David Neitz) will be back, but we'll find out later in the week.

And now that Shaun Burgoyne is eligible to play this weekend, is he the most likely option for you in round six?

I'm not too sure yet. I'll have to wait and see what the coach says. We want to beat a side that's at full strength and gain confidence from it, so it's good that he's playing.