North Melbourne’s Daniel Wells and Matthew Campbell took time out of their busy pre-season schedules to tour a new $3 million residential facility in Won Wron, near Yarram, for Aboriginal offenders on community based orders.

The boys took leave from training and embarked on a marathon 8 hour round trip by car in order to make a special visit to the Wulgunggo Ngalu Learning Place and its residents.

The centre was designed to help address the over-representation of Aboriginal people in Victoria’s criminal justice system.

The pair was joined by Corrections Minister Bob Cameron and provided a much needed boost to the youths placed in the program.

"This facility is about addressing the specific needs of Aboriginal offenders, reconnecting them with their culture and giving them the life skills they need to turn their lives around,” Mr Cameron said.

The site houses up to 20 men from across Victoria and offers training and education while providing a chance to connect with their Indigenous culture and history.

Courts and Community Corrections Services can refer Aboriginal offenders to the program with participants to spend between three to six months at the facility.

The centre employs five full-time Aboriginal staff, with a local Indigenous Advisory Group established to provide cultural information.

It's hoped several of the youths will visit the Kangaroos Arden Street headquarters in the coming weeks.