Dear members,
What a funny season! Another swallow landed today, the fourth in a row. But usually when the season changes the swallows arrive in flocks. But only four, and a couple struggled to cross the line. But they made it, and therefore we should be grateful.
I guess if one or two more swallows turn up we are going to have to accept that there has been a change in season. We should all monitor the situation carefully over the next two or three weeks.
For now we are back in the eight, albeit on percentage. Every win will strengthen our position but a loss will send us, snakes and ladder like, back down the slippery slide. So we need to keep improving.
Thank you to all those who turned up for the game yesterday. The MCG was only 20 per cent occupied, but clearly most in the brown and gold. It was a cold and miserable day, but even so our players need us members to be there to lift them to success. So to those who attended many thanks.
It is interesting, I wear my Hawthorn stickers proudly on my car. There must be about five on the rear window and sides. So often when someone is passing me they give me a toot. Initially I thought I was driving eratically, but then I came to realise it was another Hawthorn member just giving me a cheery toot as they passed, and I noticed their car with a Hawks sticker on their rear window, number plate or bumper.
Nice act, let's do it more as we move around the state. I am sure there are more cars with Hawthorn stickers than any other club, so it is quite possible there might be quite a bit of tooting!
Thank you to all members who have "Adopted an Angel" as part of our new community program to support the education and health needs of young children living along The Kokoda Track. We are off to a great start, and all of us collectively will make a positive difference to hundreds of young Papuan children, for whom education and health are outside the affordability of their parents. If you want to know more just look at our Kokoda page.
Next week we travel to beautiful Tasmania to play Adelaide. I hope many of you are making the trip, and as it is a long weekend, hope many will be having an extended stay in the island state. It is a beautiful part of the world, and with over 8,000 members there you will run into Tassie Hawks members wherever you go, who will receive you very generously. Just remember to wear your scarf so they will recognise you.
Well we are back in the hunt! The second half of the season will see how good we really are.
Go Hawks
Jeff Kennett