Callum Bartlett

Sportsperson (other than AFL) you love watching the most:
Carlos Tevez

Coach’s favourite saying:
‘In terms of’

Coach’s pet:
Daniel Rich

Favourite footy commentator:
James Brayshaw

Whose autograph did you get as a kid:
Ablett Senior, Peter Riccardi

Describe your perfect day off:
Early morning beach, home by lunch, air con and couch all day

Who inspires you:
Successful athletes who overcome adversity

Best advice received:
Train the way you want to play

What scares you most:
Injury, losing

If you weren’t a footballer, what would you like to be:
Pro golfer

First job held:
Paper run

The person you would most like to meet:
Mick Jagger or Ozzy Osbourne

Three things you would like to do after your footy career:
Own property

Greatest non-football achievement:
State long jump and 400m athletics

How would your best friend describe you:

One thing you can’t eat:
Harwood’s cooking

What domestic chore do you refuse to do:
Clean the kitchen when Harwood is cooking

Which event would you rather attend, the Olympics or the World Cup:
World Cup

Favourite Australian personality:
Hamish and Andy

iPhone, Blackberry or Android:

Best book read:
Don’t have one

Favourite TV show:
Big Bang Theory

Favourite band/musical artist:
The Beatles and the Rolling Stones

Favourite movie: