This Sunday’s game against Brisbane will be different to many games that we have played, with the match starting at 12:40pm. The early start will be a new experience for most of us, and I have been asked this week how it will impact in terms of our preparation.

The major difference will be a new routine that we will need to follow. For a 2:10pm game, the routine most players follow is something like this:

* Sleep until around 9am to ensure a full rest
* Eat a light breakfast at around 9:30am, normally consisting of toast, jam and water
* Arrive at the ground around midday
* Have a look at the ground and conditions
* Team meeting at 12:30pm
* Stretch and have ankles taped, warm up
* Light warm up on the ground
* Run out at around 2:00pm

For Sunday’s game at 12:40pm, the routine has to change. The biggest issue will be adjusting food and fluid intake that is so important before a match. For Sunday’s game I will be following a new timetable.

* Sleep until around 8am
* Eat breakfast at around 8:30am. It will be important to stay hydrated so will drink plenty of fluid early in the day
* Arrive at the ground at 10:30am
* Have a look at the ground and conditions
* Team meeting at 11am
* Stretch and have ankles taped, warm up
* Light warm up on the ground
* Run out at around 12:30pm