MELBOURNEfc players, together with their Collingwood counterparts, will be wearing black armbands when they meet in the Queen’s Birthday match on Monday, in recognition of the tragic rail crash at Kerang on Tuesday this week.

Eleven people died and a number remain in a serious condition in hospitals throughout the state.  The Kerang community has been hit hard by the disaster, but has vowed to continue working together and supporting all involved.

‘We share the tragedy at the loss of eleven lives’, said MELBOURNEfc Chairman, Paul Gardner.  ‘We also share the spirit of the local community, and recognise the way in which this horrific event has affected such a huge cross-section of people.  To all those who have lost loved ones, and to the people of Kerang, we can only say that we feel your sorrow, and we are all thinking of you.’

Collingwood President Eddie McGuire said, “Our sympathies and thoughts are with the families who have lost their loved ones and the communities that have been affected by this terrible tragedy.   Through our Community Partnership with the TAC we are well aware of the tragic consequences of road trauma and the awful impact that it has on families and the ripple effect through whole communities.  We hope that by wearing the arm bands that we might also be able to remind the many thousands of people at the match and the millions watching on television of the on-going challenge and importance of road safety.”

The AFL has supported the Club’s call to wear black armbands, in order to pay tribute to the victims of the crash.