Q: What sports do you follow outside of the AFL?
A: Don't really follow much outside of AFL. This is the game that I've chosen so ever since I was kid, it's always been pretty much just AFL. I was in martial arts, taekwondo, did athletics, a fair bit of surfing so yeah, not really like basketball.
Q: Which AFL team did you barrack for as a kid?
A: I was Eagles so it was awesome coming here, worked out really well and the guys are great here. I really liked Dean Cox and also Mark LeCras, thought he was a pretty special player as well, playing a similar position to me.
Q: Whose poster did you have on your wall as a kid?
A: There was a story that my mum would say that when I was a kid, when I saw Ben Cousins, I used to kiss him everytime he came on the TV. So probably that, but I didn't have a poster of him.
Q: Who do you share a room with on road trips?
A: We've got single rooms, so I guess it's good to do your own preparation and not have a bloke snoring at you.
Q: What are you listening to on your iPod at the moment?
A: Something that's upbeat, maybe a bit of Eminem *laughs* something like that.
Q: What's your worst habit around the house?
A: I think I'm pretty good around the house, I do a fair bit of cleaning and stuff so not too sure about my worst habit.
Q: What's your signature Masterchef dish?
A: Last night, I made a curry... chicken curry and it was pretty nice, if not that, maybe pizza.
Q: Best advice you've ever been given?
A: Let me come back to you on that one.
Q: What is the worst thing a coach has said to you?
A: I don't think senior coach has said anything too bad but I remember a school football team coach said I'd never make the AFL, so won't mention any names.
Q: Who's your tip for the 2011 NAB Rising Star?
A: I'd like to say myself but I'm not really sure mate, anyone's game, anything could happen.