The Western Bulldogs announce that Campbell Rose, Chief Executive of the Club will be resigning on the 17th of December to take up a new role as Chief Executive of Stralliance Developments and Watersun Homes.

“Campbell has done a phenomenal job.  We have been fortunate to have had his services since August 2002 and beyond a shadow of a doubt, Cam is leaving this Club in a significantly better state than when he first arrived” said David Smorgon.

Smorgon said, “although it is disappointing to see Cam leave he goes with my and the Boards full support and endorsement to his next career challenge and opportunity.  He has left an indelible mark with 8+ years of hard work that has positioned our Club for a very bright future.  Our Club owes him a significant debt of gratitude.”

Rose commenced on the 18th August, 2002 and has been responsible for the transformation of the Western Bulldogs from a position of weakness to an incredible platform including 5 years of consecutive profits, a $38 million turnaround in the balance sheet, the highest membership ever in the Club’s history (at 34,995), grown crowd attendances and now one of the highest watched and rating teams on TV in the competition.

Other key achievement and highlights of Campbell’s tenure include:

  • The new Mission elite learning centre - state of art, training and administrative facilities for our football operations and training base of the Club.
  • The Susan Alberti Bulldogs Community Children’s Centre, a 105 place not-for-profit childcare centre and integrated early years learning hub that is operating at 100% capacity in its first year of operation.
  • A campus for Victoria University to operate their sports science classes and related experiential teaching and research activities for over 175 students and 45 employees.
  • The new home for the Western Region of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) - the first time this office has been located in the western region.
  • The soon to open new western suburbs operation for Taralye - a leading deaf services organisation that will be providing outreach services for the wider western region for hearing impaired children.
  • The new home for the Western Region Football League (WRFL).  The WRFL oversees some 40 football clubs across the wider western region.
  • The Club’s conference, meeting and learning facility - a group of six fully equipped meeting rooms that are open for public use.
  • A number of new smaller commercial activities such as a cafe called the Pound, operating 7 days a week from the George Smorgon Family Foyer, the Bulldogs merchandise outlet and Physio Plus.
  • Additionally, the Club has commenced construction on the Club Community Sports Hall which is a large indoor recreational and meeting space that will operate four basketball and two indoor netball courts, due for completion in 2011. 
  • Lastly, significantly improved amenity and aesthetics including the Tan of the West opening up the whole of the Whitten oval and it’s redevelopment, creating a vibrant community hub and meeting place.

“It’s been an honour and privilege to have served the Bulldogs membership and community.”

“My time at the Bulldogs has been challenging, but personally enriching.  I do believe that over this period we have built a strong platform and solid base from which the Bulldogs can leverage into great success for the future both on and off the field.

“The Club has never been in better shape, all of the key indicators are pointing upwards and the Club now has the opportunity to deliver a decade of sustained success.

“I am very proud to have secured the Club’s future, cemented in Footscray servicing the greater western region - the fastest growing region in Australia, said Rose.  To have achieved this positioning and to have established the Bulldogs as the Community Club of the AFL, delivering football and more, much more than football has been a rewarding and fruitful journey.”

“Bulldogs members can now focus on growing their Club into a powerhouse rather than worrying about the Club’s survival and whether it would remain with a future in Melbourne - our Club is now in the West forever,” concluded Rose.

The Board has formed a Nominations committee and has commenced the process of working through the appropriate methodology to find a replacement.

“With the Club in such good condition and with such a bright future ahead of us, we are confident that we will be able to attract the best possible candidate to continue this ongoing development and future performance of our Club - the Community Club of the AFL and the Club of the Western Region” said Smorgon.

Smorgon said - “I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the Board and the wider membership to thank Cam for all that he has contributed to the Red, White and Blue.”

“I have no doubt Cam will be equally successful in his new endeavours in the private sector and he goes with our strongest endorsement and blessing” concluded Smorgon.