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Or to put it another way…………


Losing to Carlton twice is like being Oprah Winfrey’s couch.
It’s a crushing experience dear Spudsters.

It’s like Roger Federer waking up one morning to discover all the tennis
courts in the world have turned to clay.

And right now the Blues are like Rapha Nadal to us.

To top it all off, Collingwood legend Tony Shaw has criticized the incumbent coach,
Maestro Malthouse, of being “out coached”!
The Maestro had better take heed too, coz if anybody is an expert on being “out coached” then it surely is our Tony.

Tony’s beef, this time, seems to be with the Maestro’s handling of his nephew.
Funny that. His last beef involved another family member.
He clearly sees parallels with his own treatment of the Lakeside Latin all those years

Frankly, as supporters, we need to treat that last quarter capitulation like toilet paper and put it behind us and focus on the ridiculously scheduled twilight encounter against the Doggies next Sundee.

And will he or wont he?

The Lakeside Latin I’m talking about.
Will those big hairy tentacles retake their rightful place in the Magpie goal square next weekend?

For the love of Bucks I hope the answer is “YES!!!”

Collingwood without Rocca is like Van Halen without David Lee Roth.
It’s like Jerry Springer without white trash.
It’s like bacon without eggs.
Heck, it’s like America without a war!

I don’t care if the Italian Stallion can’t walk …….

Watching the Pies little blokes running around looking for crumbs that aren’t there is more annoying than seagulls at the beach.

If Ant needs too, let him use a skinny Bulldogs player as a crutch.
Or better yet, he could use Acker as a pouf to rest his sore wheel on in between Collingwood forward thrusts. 
Admittedly that would require dragging the two tone player back deep into their defensive fifty and would require sheer coaching genius to pull off.

We better ask Tony Shaw how to do it.

Please note: the views expressed in the above article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Collingwood Football Club or employees of the club. The Collingwood Football Club would like to acknowledge the tireless work of its supporters who contribute to