I CAN’T wait for next Saturday’s Hall of Fame tribute match. A one-off game involving 50 of the best players going around to celebrate Australian Football’s 150 years – can it get any better than that?

As a Victorian it’s a huge honour to pull on the Big V guernsey, especially on such a unique occasion. To be able to run around the ’G with the likes of Chris Judd, Jonathan Brown, Jimmy Bartel and others will be an unbelievable experience.

We all share the same manager so I’ve had a fair bit to do with these guys off the park. But to actually enjoy playing with them – rather than playing against them – will be a lot of fun, but also a challenge to jell well and give them a few kicks.

Maybe I could even learn a little off them, too.

Being involved with a Victorian team brings back some good memories of representing my state as a teenager. I played in the U16s and U18s for Vic Country and our rivalry with Vic Metro was always huge.

My teammates in Vic Country were pretty talented, with the likes of Chris Tarrant, Matty Scarlett, Shannon Watt and James Walker, who has just retired at Fremantle, all playing for the side. It shows the development system was working as we have all gone on to make AFL lists.

And we had a strong bond in Victoria, especially us country boys. I tell you what, the rivalry with Vic Metro was very much built up – we always wanted to put one over on them and vice-versa.

But in the two years I played in the 16s and 18s we were never able to beat them. So it’ll be great playing for the Big V alongside some of those guys from back then.

Another memory of state footy was seeing a young Michael O’Loughlin kicking five goals for South Australia against WA at Football Park. And of watching Tony Lockett and Gary Ablett on the same Victorian side … what a team that was.

As for where I’ll play on Saturday, we’ll see, but even if we are short in the ruck department, there’s no chance I’ll be playing in the ruck. No chance!

I’ll still be preparing myself as if I was playing for the Swans, but this will be fun and definitely enjoyable.

Speaking of the Swans, coming up against a Tadhg Kennelly or a Craig Bolton will be very interesting as I haven’t played an intra-club practice match in years. Maybe I can ruffle a few of their feathers and enjoy a victory over them. If so, I can brag about it when I’m back in Sydney.

I’ve never had the chance to play state of origin footy so this is a fantastic opportunity. We’ll certainly give it our best and have a great time doing it. And I love the way the Melbourne public really jump on these games and support them.

This Hall of Fame Tribute game is something that doesn’t come around often. To play against a few of my Swans teammates in a great Dream Team and alongside some of the best Victorians playing footy today will make this game well worth seeing.

It’s going to be an exceptional way to celebrate 150 years of Australian Football.