Here are some tips for sticking with exercise:

1. Exercise with a friend – Having a buddy to exercise with means they can rev you up when you need it and you can encourage them too. Exercising with a friend also gives you someone to talk to!

2. Set goals – When you have something to aim for, you're more likely to keep trying. Set small goals as well as big ones, so you know you're improving even when the main target still seems a long way off.

3. Reward yourself – When you achieve your goals, give yourself a treat and take pride in a job well done. A small reward for a small goal might be an icecream. A big reward for a big goal might be a new footy, netball or cricket bat. Better talk to your parents about helping out! Once you have rewarded yourself, make sure you set new goals!

4. Keep a training diary – This helps you remember how far you rode, how many goals or runs you scored, and much more. Looking back through the diary will show you how you have improved. You can also see whether you managed to be physically active for an hour or more, every day.

5. Be flexible – If you can't manage an hour's physical activity in one go, perhaps you can still fit in four 15-minute sessions on one day. The benefits are just the same for your body! If you can't train outdoors, maybe there are things you can practise inside. If your bike has a flat tyre, run or skip instead of riding.

6. Add fun – If you are bored with training or exercising one way, try something different. You are much more likely to stay active if it's fun!