Thunda Power
Birthday: August 14
Height: 213cm tall
Looks like: Silver and teal lightning bolt head, wears a cape and is very muscly
Theme song: Thunder struck by ACDC
Nickname: Thunda
Lives: Alberton headquarters
Source of power: His lightning bolt 
Source of energy: Lightning, Fruit and vegetables
Loves: Night games
Hates: When people don’t get his jokes
What he does: Thunda is a warrior of strength and has been given the role to inspire supporters to chant POWER at all games, thus giving the players untold strength on-field.
Thunda also boosts the players energy to help them win
The legend goes-
Thunda was found in the ground where the Power headquarters was dug up.
The builders digging trenches for the new headquarters found an unusual looking item, rather small. They opened it and went to peer in but as they opened it a bright line shone straight up into the sky out of the time. The builders were blinded by the light shielding their eyes. A huge storm erupted, the clouds parted and a huge flash of lightning struck inside the item from the sky. There was an enormous amount of thunder that followed and when the builders could unshield their eyes Thunda Power was there. They named him Thunda because that was the noise they heard as he appeared.