MELBOURNEfc have accepted the sanction handed down today against Daniel Ward as fair and reasonable. Steve Harris CEO said "we are pleased that that the afl has recognised that Daniel has a gambling problem, and that rehabilitation is an important as the sanction. The AFL handled the matter swiftly and took into account the detailed submission from the Club. The AFL have fairly balanced all the issues in the best interests of the game, the players and the community."

Chris Fagan, General Manager, Football said "all along our main concern has been the effective rehabilitation of Daniel in regards to his gambling problem. We are pleased that the AFL has taken a similar view and has supported us in our endeavours. We will continue to work with Daniel to help him turn this setback into a positive experience for himself, his family and others who may have a similar problem."

Daniel has accepted the decision he said "I have done the wrong thing, I have learnt from my mistake and I accept the AFL's decision. I am committed to continuing to receive the help that I need with the support of the Club and the AFL. This has been a wake up call and I hope the one good thing that comes out of it is that other players learn from my mistake."